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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Newspaper: An international party convinced Amiri to abandon the number one in favor of Abadi

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Newspaper: An international party convinced Amiri to abandon the number one in favor of Abadi Empty Newspaper: An international party convinced Amiri to abandon the number one in favor of Abadi

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Jan 2018, 3:20 am

    Newspaper: An international party convinced Amiri to abandon the number one in favor of Abadi

    10:00 - 15/01/2018
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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Jordanian newspaper "Al Ghad" Monday, an international party persuaded the Secretary General of the Badr Organization Hadi Amiri to abandon the number one on the list for the benefit of Prime Minister Haider Abadi.
    "The agreement between the alliance of the president (victory) and the alliance of Hadi al-Amiri (Fatah) under the name of (victory of Iraq), was after the renunciation of the number (1)," the newspaper quoted a source close to al-Abadi as saying. ) On the list for the Iraqi prime minister. "
    The newspaper added that "an international party played a role in persuading the Secretary General of the Badr Organization Hadi al-Amiri and advised him to abandon the number (1), which was one of the reasons for the delay of their alliance, which was held on Sunday evening officially," likely to "nominate Amiri Diyala province while running Abadi from the capital Baghdad".
    The newspaper pointed out that "an international party offered to join the alliance (Nasr Iraq)," indicating that "this party" negotiated with Sadr, but the latter refused to join this alliance, and one of the apparent reasons is the tense relationship between Sadr and one of the forces that joined the Coalition of slaves. " Ending / 25

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