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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon

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    Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon Empty Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon

    Post by Rocky Sun 11 Mar 2018, 4:15 am

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    Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon
    JERUSALEM - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed with President Donald Trump during their meeting in Washington a week ago an Israeli plan, the newspaper reported.
    The newspaper quoted US military sources as saying that "Netanyahu reviewed with Trump, and later with senior US National Security Council officials, led by Defense Secretary Jim Matisse, national security adviser Herbert McMaster and CIA Director George Pompeo, Iran, including Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. "
    The sources told the newspaper that "Israel discussed in detail the sites and bases that will strike in Syria, expressing willingness to help cut" Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus-Beirut "which Iran seeks to split from Tehran to the Mediterranean Sea, Iraq, Syria and Jordan, "she said.

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    Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon Empty Re: Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon

    Post by wciappetta Sun 11 Mar 2018, 6:02 am

    hmmm it's election time in Iraq, this sounds like embellishment...

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    Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon Empty Re: Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon

    Post by weslin3 Sun 11 Mar 2018, 7:35 am

    Sounds like more propaganda to me..

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    Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon Empty Re: Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon

    Post by Lobo Sun 11 Mar 2018, 9:59 am

    Israel has said that Iran will not be allowed to establish bases in Syria and they have been bombing on the Golan Heights side of Syria, but nothing about Iraq.

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    Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon Empty Re: Newspaper: America and Israel are preparing for military action in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon

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