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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Agricultural expert warns of turning Iraq into an open consumer market

    Admin Assist
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    Agricultural expert warns of turning Iraq into an open consumer market Empty Agricultural expert warns of turning Iraq into an open consumer market

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Mar 2018, 3:25 am

    Agricultural expert warns of turning Iraq into an open consumer market
    March 25 2018 09:48 p
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    An agricultural expert warned of Iraq's transition to an open consumer market for foreign products and commodities, without local production for agriculture and industry alike.

    The agricultural expert, Dr. Jassim Al-Hafiz said in a press statement: "The agricultural sector is dominated by the greedy class of some traders on the import market, and thus the country has become an open market."

    He added: "Iraq's previous and current budgets have not witnessed allocations to the agriculture sector, as the allocations did not exceed (1.5 or 1.75) percent, while the international organizations dealing with the agricultural sector recommends that States allocate allocations of about 15%, pointing The Arab Economic Organization, one of the organizations in the League of Arab States, recommended that the allocation of the agricultural sector is not less than 10% in the budgets of Arab countries, and this is why the deterioration of the agricultural sector.

    Al-Hafiz ruled out that the government will put serious solutions to restore agricultural reform, because of the loyalty of some influential in the governance of some foreign countries and the implementation of its strategies in Iraq and the destruction of the national economy and make it a poor consumer economy and not producer.

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