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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    It revealed the details of its contract with four companies to complete the census requirements... P

    Admin Assist
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    It revealed the details of its contract with four companies to complete the census requirements... P Empty It revealed the details of its contract with four companies to complete the census requirements... P

    Post by Rocky Fri May 10, 2024 5:31 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]It revealed the details of its contract with four companies to complete the census requirements... Planning for “Al-Zawraa”: Conducting a pilot census of population and housing on the 20th of this May.[/size]

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    Al-Zawraa / Hussein Falih:
    The Ministry of Planning announced its intention to conduct a pilot census for the General Population and Housing Census on May 20 of this year, while revealing the details of the four companies that were contracted with to complete the requirements of the census scheduled to be conducted next November.
    Ministry spokesman Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi said in an interview with Al-Zawraa: The Ministry of Planning has contracted with four international companies of different nationalities to complete the requirements of the General Census of Population and Housing. Noting that the companies are of American, Finnish, Chinese and Canadian nationalities, each of them will complete the census requirements.
    He added: One of the companies will produce tablets and will provide the ministry with 120-130 thousand devices, the first batch of which will arrive before the end of this month for use in the experimental census. The second company will manufacture software and applications for the general population census, which are very complex programs and applications. Install it directly through coordination with the company that produces the tablets.
    He continued: The third company will undertake the construction of the data center, while the fourth company will undertake the construction of the communications centre. Pointing out that a trial census will be conducted on May 20 in preparation for the general census next November.
    He stated: The experimental census will include all governorates of Iraq by selecting specific areas in each governorate, including the governorates of the Kurdistan region.
    Earlier, the Strategic Planning and Federal Parliamentary Service Committee pointed out the most important points achieved from conducting the general population and housing census scheduled before the end of this year, while confirming that its data will guarantee 4 gains.
    Deputy Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Federal Parliamentary Service Committee, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, said in a press statement: “The Iraqi Statisticians Association prepared a conference in which private sectors participated, including a group of private banks, as well as the Central Bank, as well as the United Nations Fund and Al-Rafidain College.”
    Al-Baldawi added, “The conference aims to prepare and pave the way for conducting the general census of population and housing, and delivering it to the citizen in an easy and simple way.”
    He continued, “The concept of this census, which comes today in this development version, constitutes a basic foundation for building a database that can be relied upon in preparing development plans, secondly, sustainable development plans, thirdly, strategic plans, and fourthly, providing data for researchers with degrees and all sectors, and these are the most prominent gains.”[/size]
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