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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Hakim comments on the agreements concluded with Türkiye and confirms: Iraq is on the right path

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Hakim comments on the agreements concluded with Türkiye and confirms: Iraq is on the right path Empty Al-Hakim comments on the agreements concluded with Türkiye and confirms: Iraq is on the right path

    Post by Rocky Fri 10 May 2024, 9:06 am

    Al-Hakim comments on the agreements concluded with Türkiye and confirms: Iraq is on the right path
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    The head of the National State Forces Alliance, Ammar al-Hakim, confirmed today, Friday (May 10, 2024), that the agreements concluded with Turkey would address water scarcity, while indicating that Iraq is on the right path as long as the balance and representation of the components is preserved and as long as the people of the provinces are possible. In their governorates.
    Al-Hakim's office said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", "The head of the National State Forces Alliance met, today, Friday, with a group of sheikhs and notables of the Bani Hajim tribes in the host of Sheikh Bassem Al Masir," noting that "Al-Hakim stressed the importance of communicating with the governorates and noble tribes." ".
    Al-Hakim explained, according to the statement, that "Iraq is witnessing a state of extensive reconstruction and development," praising "the reality of Muthanna and the size of industrial and development projects and investment opportunities there," appreciating "the position of the tribes supporting industrial and agricultural investment in a way that makes the governorate a pillar of stability and the future in Iraq."
    He called for "spreading hope, optimism and positivity," warning of "a media machine that wants to demonize everything and show that democracy is not suitable in Iraq."
    Al-Hakim stressed that “the region’s view of Iraq is positive, unlike the Iraqis’ view of themselves, and that the country is moving on the right path as long as balance and representation of the components are preserved and as long as the people of the governorates are empowered in their governorates,” stressing that “the agreements concluded with Turkey would address the scarcity of "Water."
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      Current date/time is Wed 26 Jun 2024, 9:56 am