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    The British government is holding a meeting to discuss the intervention in Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The British government is holding a meeting to discuss the intervention in Syria Empty The British government is holding a meeting to discuss the intervention in Syria

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 Apr 2018, 2:37 am

    The British government is holding a meeting to discuss the intervention in Syria Msc-660x330
    The British government is holding a meeting to discuss the intervention in Syria
    British Prime Minister Teresa Mae will hold an emergency meeting of her cabinet members on Thursday to discuss possible military intervention in Syria, a spokeswoman for the May office said.
    Asked whether the ministers were to discuss the issue, the spokeswoman said, "I can confirm that the cabinet will hold a meeting tomorrow and will discuss this issue."
    For its part, the BBC reported that May may not seek parliamentary approval for joint military action in Syria, because it prefers to accelerate the process.
    Earlier, US President Donald Trump said he would make a decision, before Wednesday, on the move against Syria in response to the assumption of the use of chemical weapons in the country, which is denied by the Syrian authorities. The British Prime Minister's office said Tuesday that Teresa May, Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macaron agreed that the international community should respond to the supposed attack in Syria in the name of maintaining the world's chemical weapons ban regime.
    British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbin called on the government to give parliament a word in deciding whether to participate in a military operation against Syria.

      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 11:37 am