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    Central Bank underlines the need for foreign banks opening branches in Baghdad first

    Admin Assist
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    Central Bank underlines the need for foreign banks opening branches in Baghdad first  Empty Central Bank underlines the need for foreign banks opening branches in Baghdad first

    Post by Rocky Thu 28 Nov 2013, 3:40 am

    Central Bank underlines the need for foreign banks opening branches in Baghdad first

    27-11-2013 | (Voice of Iraq) -   Add a comment -
     Alsumaria News / Baghdad
     He stressed the Iraqi Central Bank, on Wednesday, on the necessity that all foreign banks to open branches in Baghdad first, demanding that the British bank Standard Jartrd be done and qualitatively different from the rest of the foreign banks, as he emphasized the need for Iraq to change the working mechanisms of the bank.

     The central bank governor said Abdul Basit Turki on the sidelines of the opening of the British bank and attended "Alsumaria News", "The central bank stressed that it should be no bank branches in Baghdad first, each foreign bank wishes to the opening of a branch in Iraq," and urged "the need to embrace Baghdad's first all banks and main branches. "

     Turki added that "the Bank called Bank Jartrd new British Standard, which opened a branch in Baghdad should be done to be qualitatively different from the rest of the foreign banks," stressing that "Iraq needs to support the banking mechanisms similar to the works by the banks in the world."

     He pointed out that the Turkish "Iraq needs to change the mechanisms of action and that the bank move forward in this area," he said, adding that "the challenges facing the banking business in Iraq can be overcome."

     It was opened by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Wednesday (November 27, 2013), the British bank Standard Jartrd after the approval of the Iraqi Central Bank on November 25 on the current open Jartrd British Standard Bank branch in Baghdad to practice various banking activities.

     The number of Iraqi private banks have criticized last July opening of foreign banks in Iraq, arguing that it does not meet the ambition and keep away from the economic reality of Iraq.

     It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki opened (24 June), one of the branches of City Bank of the U.S. in the Green Zone, the first U.S. bank to be opened in Baghdad, while impounded a number of private banks Iraqi opening was considered that would threaten their work.

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