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    Trump calls on China to provide a fair agreement to end the trade dispute

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Trump calls on China to provide a fair agreement to end the trade dispute Empty Trump calls on China to provide a fair agreement to end the trade dispute

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Aug 2018, 3:38 pm

    Trump calls on China to provide a fair agreement to end the trade dispute
    Trump calls on China to provide a fair agreement to end the trade dispute 640

     16 August 2018 10:44 PM

    Direct : US President called on Donald Trump China to offer more at the negotiating table, with the two sides to resume trade talks later this month.
    During his meeting with the cabinet, the US president said the United States would not approve any deal with China unless it was fair to Washington.
    "We are talking to China because they want to continue the negotiations," Trump said, adding Beijing was not yet able to offer a deal acceptable to the United States.
    Trade talks between the world's two largest economies have resumed after a break of more than two months, according to US economic adviser Larry Kodlo.
    He added , " Kodlo" should the Chinese government should not reduce the severity of Trump and his willingness to continue this battle to remove tariffs, noting that it is possible that the talks will lead to a better - than - expected results.
    Washington has imposed tariffs on Chinese imports worth 34 billion dollars, in addition to its intentionto implement another $ 16 billion by August 23, which prompted Beijing to respond to the same measures against Washington.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 9:29 am