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    Trump: We are likely to reach a trade agreement with China

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Trump: We are likely to reach a trade agreement with China Empty Trump: We are likely to reach a trade agreement with China

    Post by Rocky Tue 24 Apr 2018, 5:57 pm

    Trump: We are likely to reach a trade agreement with China

    2018/04/24 22:08

    (Encyclopedia of this Day News | Iraq News ) - Direct: US President Donald Trump said it was likely that the United States reach a trade agreement with China, the statements that come after the two largest economies around the world saw the signs on the imposition of customs duties reciprocal.


    Trump said on the sidelines of his meeting with the French president at the White House on Tuesday that officials from both sides would negotiate on their trade dispute in the coming days.

    "China is very serious, and we are very serious.

    The US president said US Treasury Secretary Stephen Menuchin would travel to China as part of a delegation at Beijing's request, noting that there was a very good chance of reaching an agreement.

    China has said it would welcome the US Treasury Secretary's visit as both sides sought to resolve their trade dispute after Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Chinese imports. Beijing responded with similar retaliatory measures.

    Note: The content entitled "Trump: We are likely to reach a commercial agreement with China" is published first on the "Live" site and the encyclopedia of this news day is not guaranteed in any way. 
    You can see the details of this address (Trump: we are likely to reach a trade agreement with China) through its original source any site (live site).

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