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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Demonstration policy in Iran calls for the expulsion of Iraqis

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277318
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Demonstration policy in Iran calls for the expulsion of Iraqis Empty Demonstration policy in Iran calls for the expulsion of Iraqis

    Post by Rocky Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:35 am

    Demonstration policy in Iran calls for the expulsion of Iraqis[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    (Reuters) - A demonstration in the southern city of Abadan, south of Iran's Khuzestan province, took place on Thursday evening against the influx of Iraqi visitors to the city. 
    A video posted by Iranian news websites today showed hundreds of demonstrators in the city of Abadan shouting slogans in Persian, "Take out the Iraqis," referring to the influx of Iraqi visitors from the southern provinces to Khuzestan province without visas, according to an agreement between Baghdad and Tehran. 
    "The demonstration went out in protest against the influx of Iraqis from the southern provinces to buy Iranian goods, following the collapse of the local currency riyal," the channel said. 
    A member of the free economic zone in the city of Abadan, Ismail Zamani: "The visa was canceled for foreign tourists," stressing the lack of interest of the Free Zone Organization repercussions of the demonstration on the economic and security conditions.
    "The protests in the city of Abadan came against the background of the decline in the purchasing power of the Iranians, and an increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the local currency, prompting Iraqis, especially the people of Basra, to come to the city of Abadan to buy goods and goods.


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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277318
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Demonstration policy in Iran calls for the expulsion of Iraqis Empty Mass demonstration in southern Iran demanding the "expulsion of Iraqis"

    Post by Rocky Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:20 am

    Mass demonstration in southern Iran demanding the "expulsion of Iraqis"

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    Hundreds of Iranians organized a night demonstration on Thursday to protest the influx of Iraqis from the southern provinces to buy Iranian goods, following the collapse of the local currency. 

    According to press reports, a demonstration on Thursday evening in the Arab city ​​of Abadan in the province of Khuzestan in southern Iran against the influx of Iraqi visitors to the city. 

    A video posted by Iranian news websites showed hundreds of demonstrators in the city of Abadan shouting slogans in Persian, "Take out the Iraqis," referring to the influx of Iraqi visitors from the southern provinces to the province of Khuzestan without visas, according to the agreement between Baghdad and Tehran .

    "The demonstration came out in protest against the influx of Iraqis from the southern provinces to buy Iranian goods, following the collapse of the local currency riyal," the channel said. 

    For his part, said member of the free economic zone in the city of Abadan, Ismail Zamani: "The visa was canceled for foreign tourists," stressing "the lack of interest of the Free Zone Organization implications of the demonstration on the economic and security conditions." 

    "The protests in the city of Abadan came against the background of the decline in the purchasing power of the Iranians, and an increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the local currency, prompting Iraqis, especially the people of Basra , to come to the city of Abadan to buy goods and goods.

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