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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    German newspaper: Siemens is about to conclude a deal with Iraq, exceeding 13 billion euros

    Admin Assist
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    German newspaper: Siemens is about to conclude a deal with Iraq, exceeding 13 billion euros Empty German newspaper: Siemens is about to conclude a deal with Iraq, exceeding 13 billion euros

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Sep 2018, 1:50 am

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    German newspaper: Siemens is about to conclude a deal with Iraq, exceeding 13 billion euros

    Siemens, the largest European electrical and electronic engineering company, is in the process of signing a huge deal worth over 13 billion euros with the Iraqi government, the German newspaper Handelsblatt reported.
    Joseph Kaiser, chief executive of the German-based Munich-based firm, went to Baghdad on Sunday to coordinate a declaration of intention to sign an agreement worth more than 13 billion euros, Siemens said. Electricity Sector in Iraq.
    Government sources told the newspaper that German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week contacted Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi and supported the deal, after news of the intention of the US company "General Electric" competing for "Siemens" to sign a similar agreement with Baghdad.
    German economic affairs minister Thomas Parais is accompanying the president of Siemens on his visit to the Iraqi capital, the newspaper reported.
    The Prime Minister of Iraq has already reached a preliminary agreement with Siemens to rebuild and develop the country's electricity sector, which has been suffering from deterioration and neglect since the US occupation of Iraq.

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