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    Investment mineral wealth to achieve billions of dollars

    Admin Assist
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    Investment mineral wealth to achieve billions of dollars  Empty Investment mineral wealth to achieve billions of dollars

    Post by Rocky Sat 18 Jan 2014, 4:11 am

    Investment mineral wealth to achieve billions of dollars

    1/18/2014 0:00

    Baghdad Farah pumice
    aware of the government of the importance of industrial development and yet devised a strategy especially extends to 2030, is seeking to restructure the industry and achieve the required diversity in order to increase the contribution of this sector is important to the sustainable development of the Iraqi economy, and these trends Investment metals widely, especially with confirmation Experts the move will generate on Iraq billions of dollars and provide thousands of jobs. gross domestic productand in this regard see the advisory in industrial development and investment Amer Jeweler that "Iraq is rich in many minerals, but they did not turn up to now the way you check diversified economy and support the GDP, despite It invested are not significant in the seventies with respect to sulfur and phosphate. " and the jeweler in an interview for the "morning" that "strategic industries up to the year 2030 included a recommendation for the establishment of the Supreme Council for the metals, as falling within the restructuring of the Ministry of Industry and the industrial sector," in favor of "the investment of wealth metal under the umbrella of the Ministry of Industry, but in case it is not the formation of the Supreme Council of the metals during the present time it is possible to achieve this through the minerals that formed in the ministry, especially if the move to put the steps to invest in metals and the use of the methodology followed with the Ministry of Oil. " referred to The Oil Ministry has recently announced a study for the inclusion of Minerals in Iraq within the licensing rounds to come, as he said, a spokesman for the Oil Ministry, Assem Jihad, in a press statement: "A lot of countries around the world are using rounds special licenses in minerals and the rest of the other natural resources to support its economy and its development, and that the period the next will be suitable for the licensing round, especially in minerals and success. " local manufacturing , but the jeweler warned of export minerals as raw materials, attributing this to be manufactured more jobs and economic capacity and achieves diversity actual economy. According to government reports, local and even international that Iraq has a lot of resources natural minerals that possible to utilize them as an investment for the benefit of large over the country, as Tune to about 15.9 trillion dollars of mineral phosphate and sulfur as well as oil and gas, as the newspaper (Wall Street Journal) U.S. report recently ranked the Iraq ranked ninth among the most the highest degrees of natural resources in the world. hiring and recommended the consultant and the Ministry of Industry that the rush to invest in mineral resources with the need for the use of experts who have left the ministry of industry over the past 15 years, and considered as the representatives of the private sector and not as experts. also supported the formation of the metal before you start touring licenses metals, saying that the explanation: "There should be no device or institution develop a plan to achieve a particular goal, then it can bear these tours to fruition." said jeweler that "the importance of seeking help and support private companies of Iraq to enter into partnerships with foreign investors, because it is less complicated than it is in licensing rounds of oil and gas. "The Director General of the Geological Survey, Dr. Khaldoun Al-Bassam said in an earlier statement to him:" The discoveries own Iraq possessed first reserve in the world of sulfur reserves second only to the State of Morocco phosphate, has been completed by the Geological Survey Iraqi, "pointing out that" the authority is working to strengthen these reserves, particularly in the area of raw materials for the manufacture of cement, so that some private sector companies, embarked on investment in this area now. "

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