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    Bahrain holds Iran responsible for the continued stalemate of the Palestinian cause

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

        Bahrain holds Iran responsible for the continued stalemate of the Palestinian cause Empty Bahrain holds Iran responsible for the continued stalemate of the Palestinian cause

    Post by Rocky Fri 15 Feb 2019, 2:38 am

    Bahrain holds Iran responsible for the continued stalemate of the Palestinian cause

    Friday 15 February

        Bahrain holds Iran responsible for the continued stalemate of the Palestinian cause NB-260887-636858130880537570

    The Bahraini foreign minister, Khalid bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa, said that Iran poses a major challenge to the security of the region and the Arab-Israeli conflict, and held Tehran responsible for the continued stalemate of the Palestinian cause. 

    In a video leaked by the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahufrom one closed at the Warsaw conference on meetings of the Middle East , Al - Khalifa said: "We grew up and we're talking about the Israeli - Palestinian conflict as the most important conflict, but at a later stage , we saw that there is a toxic challenge is the biggest In our modern history. "

    "The borders of the Arab-Israeli conflict were clear, even when Egypt and Jordan were at war with the Jewish state," he said. 

    He continued: "But we saw another challenge from 1979 came from Tehran, and has no limits We wake up every day a new challenge of the regime of Iran," Fascist " 

    The Bahraini minister that there were between Israel and Palestine diplomatic operations included" Camp David and Madrid and many other ways In order to achieve the solution, "adding that" if we remain in this way, not even the poison money and guns and soldiers of the Islamic Republic, we would be much closer today to settle this issue with Israel. " 

    He added that this" challenge (Iran) dangerous prevents us from progress on any track, In Syria, Yemen, Iraq or elsewhere. " 

    Earlier, Al-Khalifa acknowledged the inevitability of establishing relations Diplomacy between his country and Israel "

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