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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A call for the merger of private banks that are unable to raise capital to 250 billion dinars

    Admin Assist
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    A call for the merger of private banks that are unable to raise capital to 250 billion dinars  Empty A call for the merger of private banks that are unable to raise capital to 250 billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Mar 2014, 6:00 am

    A call for the merger of private banks that are unable to raise capital to 250 billion dinars

    15.03.2014 (0:01 pm)

    BAGHDAD / Ali See
    Suggested adviser cash at the CBI that each two banks of two not they can achieve a minimum of Ras Malhma merge together to achieve the Central Bank to raise capital each bank native to 250 billion dinars, while showed an economist surprise at the claim the central bank for domestic banks to increase their capital Despite the existence of a law that prevents banks from direct investment.
    A financial adviser at the CBI ÇáČŃíĺí Ahmed said in an interview with the "long" to "claim the Central Bank of the private banks to increase their capital, has come to implement the Cabinet decision that the minimum domestic banks." He explained that "the withdrawal of the license is the most prominent of the actions taken by the central bank to banks that are unable to deliver its capital to 250 billion dinars," adding that "this is within its powers in dealing with all the banks to withdraw the licenses or giving them out according to the conditions and standards." . He called ÇáČŃíĺí, private banks to "pursue a policy of integration between all the banks were not able to increase the capital to the required level," pointing out that "the process of closing the banks are not in the interest of the central bank as it is a very difficult process." In contrast, was considered a financial expert Majid picture, "The increase in the minimum in the capital to 250 billion dinars and circulated to all the private banks is a decision not Saeb," pointing out that "the private banks operate through the capital to increase investment and this helps to save a lot of aid to the people if the central bank did not intervene in determining its capital. " The picture in a statement to the "long" that "the process of identifying capital for domestic banks, which negatively impacted on the stock market," pointing out that "the capital increase will not lead to increase the role of banks in the production process." He added that "there are places legislative many of which Article 28 of the Banking Act, which prevents direct investment in various fields of industrial and agricultural," and expressed surprise at the decision of the Central Bank of asking private banks to increase minimum capital under the law to prevent investment in a lot of areas. " The financial expert, said that "some banks raised the minimum capital and cause an increase in the liquidity of the funds," pointing to the existence of many of the problems faced by these banks Ktakovha from exposure to theft and so on. " For his part, said economic expert, contrary goldsmith, that "the request of the Central Bank of the private banks to increase capital to 250 billion dinars came since the year 2009," stressing that "the central bank did not provide any bank to close so far, despite enjoying a lot of powers." He explained in a statement to the "term" that "the banks to raise productivity of investment funds available to it in order to get the stock," adding that "the process of investing their money by giving loans and other help one way or another to raise capital from year to year."

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