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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Including more than 2 million acres .. Agriculture announces the adoption of the summer plan for 201

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Including more than 2 million acres .. Agriculture announces the adoption of the summer plan for 201 Empty Including more than 2 million acres .. Agriculture announces the adoption of the summer plan for 201

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 May 2019, 5:34 am

    Including more than 2 million acres .. Agriculture announces the adoption of the summer plan for 2019

    12:20 - 08/05/2019[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Ministry of Agriculture announced on Wednesday the adoption of the 2019 summer agricultural plan in preparation for the early summer agricultural season.
    "The Joint Permanent Committee of the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources met at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and all its members, in addition to the presence of the Chairman and the Advisor of the Committee on Agriculture, Water and Marshlands and the President of the General Federation of Agricultural Societies," said Hamid Nayef, a ministry spokesman. Discuss the proposed summer agricultural plan by the Ministry of Agriculture for the summer season 2019 and irrigated areas.
    He added that "the final summer plan with an area of ​​(2106272) two million and one hundred and six thousand two hundred and seventy-two acres, equivalent to more than three times the summer agricultural plan for last year," explaining that "the total area approved for the cultivation of this year's crop amounted to (43328) While the governorate of Najaf this year topped the planting of sill. The area for the cultivation of this crop reached (211947) dunums, whereas in the past year there were three (dunums) Five thousand acres. "
    He pointed out that "the province of Diwaniyah occupied the second place in terms of area approved for the cultivation of this year, which is about (153200) acres, while in the past year was one thousand five hundred acres. It should be noted that the provinces of Wasit and Maysan planting sill for the first time in a long time of being Troy from the Tigris River, in addition to the province of Diyala. "
    He added that "the summer plan approved this year included the cultivation of all crops that were prevented cultivation in the summer season and in the various governorates, namely: (maize, white corn, sesame, millet, cotton, cattle and sun flower) in addition to the limited cultivation of milk, stressing that the two ministries obliged farmers and farmers Otherwise, the transgressors bear legal liability for their transgression and the responsibility of the two ministries for any compensation in the event of any damage. " Ending / 25

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