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    Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of

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    Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of Empty Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Dec 2019, 2:20 am

    Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of treason and perjury 

    23:01 - 20/12/2019

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The information / Baghdad ..
    The deputy of the Sadikoun Parliamentary Bloc, Uday Awad, revealed that he had collected signatures to remove President Barham Salih from his position on charges of treason, perjury and violating the constitution.
    Awad said in a statement, which received / information / a copy of it, that “the president of the republic has perjured the oath and did not respect constitutional times, indicating that the president’s primary duty is to protect the constitution and its prestige.”
    He pointed out that "the President of the Republic circumvents constitutional timing and did not name a Prime Minister despite the end of the constitutional deadline."
    He emphasized that “the Sadikoun parliamentary bloc collected parliamentary signatures to remove the President of the Republic from his post due to his constitutional loyalty and his transformation from holder of a constitution to the protector of quotas.” End 25

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    Admin Assist
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    Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of Empty Sadequn announces the collection of parliamentary signatures to remove the President of the Republic

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Dec 2019, 2:35 am

    [size=36]Sadequn announces the collection of parliamentary signatures to remove the President of the Republic for treason[/size]

    Political | 10:11 - 20/12/2019

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    Baghdad- Mawazine News
    MP for the honest parliamentary bloc, Uday Awad for the collection of signatures to isolate the President of the Republic Barham Saleh from office on charges of treason, perjury and violating the Constitution. " 
    Awad said in a statement received / scales News / copy of it, that the President of the Republic of perjury and did not respect the constitutional timings, noting The primary duty of the President of the Republic is to protect the constitution and its prestige. "

    He pointed out that the President of the Republic circumvented the constitutional timing and did not name a Prime Minister despite the end of the constitutional deadline

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    Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of Empty Document: A parliamentary bloc collecting signatures to isolate the President of the Republic of Ira

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Dec 2019, 2:58 am

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    Document: A parliamentary bloc collecting signatures to isolate the President of the Republic of Iraq


    20/12/2019 13:03:28

    Shafaq News / The representative of the Sadqoun Parliamentary Bloc, Uday Awad, announced on Friday that he is collecting signatures to remove President Barham Salih from his post for "treason, perjury and violating the constitution." ".
    Awad said in a press statement issued by his media office today, that the President of the Republic has broken the oath and did not respect constitutional times, noting that "the President's primary duty is to protect the constitution and its prestige."
    He pointed out that "the President of the Republic circumvents constitutional timing and did not name a Prime Minister despite the end of the constitutional deadline."
    Awad continued by saying, "The Sadikoun parliamentary bloc collected parliamentary signatures to remove the President of the Republic from his post due to his constitutional distinction, and his transformation from holder of a constitution to the protector of quotas."
    Iraqi officials extended late on Thursday, a new deadline extending until Sunday, to nominate a candidate to task him with forming the next government, with the end of the constitutional deadline, and amid fears that the country will enter the unknown in light of the continuing protests despite the kidnappings and assassinations of activists.
    In the absence of an agreement between the parliamentary blocs on the personality to which the task will be entrusted, a source in the Presidency of the Republic said, “The authorities agreed to postpone the deadline until Sunday, given that Friday and Saturday are the weekend days in Iraq.”
    Parliament was unable at midnight on Thursday to give confidence to a new figure for the prime minister, while the constitution stipulates that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, serve as the resigned president, for a period of 15 days.
    But before that, the parliament had before it a task, which is to present the largest parliamentary bloc with a name to the President of the Republic who then submits it to the House of Representatives for voting.
    The issue of the largest bloc remains problematic. The concept of the largest bloc is the coalition that includes the largest number of deputies after the elections, and it is not necessarily the coalition that wins the largest number of seats after the poll.
    The largest bloc was not clear after the legislative elections in May 2018, and Adel Abdul-Mahdi was named Prime Minister at the time, with a political consensus that took place within hours, shortly after Saleh was elected president.
    But the task is currently difficult for any candidate to gain the confidence of Parliament and be able to meet the demands of the street and withdraw the protesters, after more than two months of demonstrations that killed about 460 people and wounded more than 20 thousand injured.
    In the event of a lack of consensus, the constitutional option remains in the event of a vacuum that Saleh becomes Prime Minister de facto for a period of 15 days according to Article 81 of the Constitution, provided that he assigns a new candidate.
    The current parliament is the most divided in modern Iraqi history. On Wednesday, lawmakers failed to agree to redraft the election law, the largest reform the authorities introduced to the protesters, and held the session until Monday.
    Since the approval of the House of Representatives on the first of December of the current resignation of the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi, the Stock Exchange of Politics has started trading several names, some of which were serious, and others were burnt papers to exclude them.

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    Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of Empty A parliamentary bloc collects signatures to remove the President of the Republic

    Post by Rocky Sat 21 Dec 2019, 3:24 am

    A parliamentary bloc collects signatures to remove the President of the Republic

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    The [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] parliamentary bloc announced that it had collected signatures to isolate the President of the Republic on the charge of what it called a perjury and violating the constitution. "The President of the Republic, [url= %D8%B5%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD]Barham Salih, has[/url] perjured the oath and has not respected the constitutional times, indicating that the primary duty of the President of the Republic is to protect the constitution and its prestige," said [url= %D8%B9%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AF]Uday Awad,[/url]

    a member of the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] parliamentary bloc in a statement . He noted that the President of the Republic circumvent the constitutional times are not named as prime minister , despite the constitutional deadline. " He stressed that the bloc [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] parliamentary collected signatures representative to isolate the president from office for Hnth Aahlmyn constitutional transformation of the holder of the constitution to the protector of the quota system. V.a

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    Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of Empty Re: Sadequn announces the collection of signatures to remove the President of the Republic on charges of

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