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    Paralysis afflicts negotiations to form a new government

    Admin Assist
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    Paralysis afflicts negotiations to form a new government Empty Paralysis afflicts negotiations to form a new government

    Post by Rocky Thu 17 Feb 2022, 5:32 am

    [size=52]Paralysis afflicts negotiations to form a new government[/size]

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     Baghdad: Omar Abdul Latif

    Parliamentarians believed that the Federal Court’s decision to prevent the Kurdistan Region from selling oil to countries and handing over this file to the central government would deepen the political blockage between the blocs, and while observers expected a breakthrough in the political process during the next few days, others suggested the path of talks to form the new government and the entry of alliances would be disrupted. about it in a state of fragmentation.
    Member of Parliament Jassem Al-Alawi said: “The decision of the Federal Court regarding the sale of the Kurdistan region was appropriate and to preserve the wealth of Iraq,” and added that “this decision can be rejected by those affected by it and affect the stability of the political process; However, it should have been taken a long time ago in order not to be considered as targeting one party at the expense of another, as happened at the present time.”
    The deputy called for “the need to leave courtesies and present the country’s supreme interest over all other interests, and everyone must accept this decision or any other decision issued in the future, which gives confidence to the government in managing all files completely, the most important of which is the oil file on which the country’s economy depends entirely.”
    He pointed out that "there is a project to correct the political process during the next stage, after the failure of the strategy of forming a majority government in which no development occurred despite the passage of four months since the elections," explaining that "the selection of the president of the republic must be by consensus between the two Kurdish blocs, as well as an agreement." He fully approved the nomination of the next prime minister in order to achieve stability in the country and open the blockage in the political process.
    For his part, Member of Parliament, spokesman for the "Babylon" bloc, Dr. Duraid Jamil, said: "There are signs of a political breakthrough in the coming days," and added that "despite the issuance of the Federal Court's decision for the Kurdistan region, which we can describe as (wonderful), but that Negotiations and the political process are going on.”
    He added that "the court's decisions in recent times have been decisive, regardless of who benefits from them or not," noting that "these decisions were previously kept on the shelves of the court, and their role was important in resolving them and silencing all interpretations that existed."
    As for the researcher in political affairs, Hikmat Suleiman, he explained in an interview, “The region’s refusal to implement the Federal Court’s decision (a challenge) to laws and constitutions is happening for the first time and we are about to form a majority government,” expecting that “the delay will affect the formation of the government more than what exists at the present time.” “.
    He added, "The statement of the Sadrist bloc through a press conference that (the decisions of the Federal Court are binding on everyone) is clear that the issue of resolving and implementing the law is a priority over political alliances," expecting that "we will witness a kind of weakening of the resolve of the allies within the majority government, which is another opportunity for those calling for the consensus government to go." He moved away from their axes," and explained that "there is no chance now for a majority government."

    • Editing: Muhammad Al-Ansari
    Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only

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