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    The "Save a Homeland" coalition fails to achieve a quorum to elect the President of the Republic

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The "Save a Homeland" coalition fails to achieve a quorum to elect the President of the Republic Empty The "Save a Homeland" coalition fails to achieve a quorum to elect the President of the Republic

    Post by Rocky Wed 30 Mar 2022, 8:12 am

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    The "Save a Homeland" coalition fails to achieve a quorum to elect the President of the Republic
    March 30, 2022

    Ultra Iraq - Editorial Team
    The House of Representatives adjourned its session until further notice after the "Save the Nation" coalition failed to achieve a quorum to vote on the President of the Republic. 
    The "Save a Homeland" coalition failed to achieve a quorum for the presidential election session
    And the media department of the Council said in a statement received by "Ultra Iraq", a copy of it, that "the House of Representatives adjourned its session to further notice after voting on the tasks of a number of parliamentary committees and the names of their members."
    The tripartite alliance, "Save the Homeland", was seeking before the session to obtain the votes of 18 deputies to achieve a quorum for the presidential election session, after achieving the attendance of 202 deputies in last Saturday's session. 
    Read also:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Parliament voted to add members to the Finance Committee.
    The parliament's media department stated in a statement, "The parliament voted to add the representatives (Muhammad Nouri, Sajjad Jassim Hussein, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, Mahasin Hamdoun, Haitham Al-Zahwan, Alaa Al-Ibrahimi) to the members of the Finance Committee."
    Today, Wednesday, the Iraqi parliament held its new session dedicated to voting for the position of the President of the Republic, after the failure of its last session last Saturday, March 26, due to the lack of a quorum, but today's session faced the same fate as the lack of a quorum. 
    The agenda of the House of Representatives included two paragraphs: electing the President of the Republic, and voting on the permanent parliamentary committees.
    The representative of the Sovereignty Alliance, Mishaan al-Jubouri, said that "it is clear that the quorum will not be achieved, and al-Halbousi is waiting for al-Halbousi to set a date for the next session."
    The House of Representatives voted to amend some paragraphs of its bylaw and the tasks of its parliamentary committees.
    The Media Department of the House of Representatives said that Parliament "voted on the tasks of the Parliamentary Electricity and Energy Committee", as well as on the tasks of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Industry and Trade.
    The head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, had confirmed that "the parliament session on Wednesday to elect the president of the republic will fail."
    Al-Maliki said in a statement during a meeting with the new Italian ambassador to Iraq, Maurizio Cricante, that "the parliament session on Wednesday will not differ from last Saturday's session, because preventing an authentic component of the Iraqi people from their entitlements will harm the national balance process, and expose the political process to great risks."
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