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    Kurdistan Region..Data, crises and divisions

    Admin Assist
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    Kurdistan Region..Data, crises and divisions Empty Kurdistan Region..Data, crises and divisions

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 May 2022, 6:23 am

    [size=30]Kurdistan Region..Data, crises and divisions

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    [rtl]Saman Noah wrote:[/rtl]

    With the advent of the “Eid” the leaders of the parties of the rich, the poor, the strong and the weak, release a series of statements reproduced from their previous statements, repeating the same phrases: Today we are in dire need of overcoming differences and unity.. Let us all take this holiday as an opportunity for understanding, cooperation, reconciliation, solving problems and addressing Crises are for the higher interests of the people and the country and to protect the gains that are threatened with loss.
    There is nothing new... just creating linguistic and slogans added to the huge national archive of statements, speeches and pledges. The leaders have long gone beyond the circle of national interests and have become prisoners of personal and partisan interests that have become above all vision and consideration.
    Leaders whose media channels continue to launch media attacks against each other have for years not had projects or plans to reform the conditions that they admit deteriorating, nor programs or even a general vision for surviving the region’s boat in the sea of ​​local crises and choppy regional challenges, nor even moves to launch dialogue initiatives The blocks of blockages will be dislodged… nothing but plans to amplify the privileges and strengthen the narrow circles of interests, leaving the region’s problems and crises to resolve themselves, perhaps through more crises, or solved by the halal!
    The leaders of the ruling forces act as if they are small opposition parties or civil society organizations, monitoring events and issuing positions and statements in which they look forward to the responsible authorities playing their role in resolving crises. The crises that hit the region in length and breadth:
    - In the north, Turkey attacks with its planes, artillery, and marches, and even with thousands of its soldiers, the territory of the region, striking left and right and penetrating to a depth of 30 km, distributing its military and security centers even in the vicinity of Kurdish cities, not only border villages, and the leaders are absent or absent, not even a statement of “expression of concern.”
    To the east, Iran is attacking the region’s capital with missiles, threatening its parties with direct, frank offensive statements, and boasting that its ballistic missiles will continue their attacks unless the region’s leaders change their positions on political, economic and security files. No deterrent will deter it, for even the Americans will remain silent and may justify as they did yesterday, saying: The missiles did not target our consulate!
    - In the Kurdish interior, opposite the commercial towers that are getting higher every day, and with the price of a barrel of oil reaching above $100, the government confirms its inability to distribute the salaries of its employees on time, as Erbil has barely completed paying its employees’ salaries for the month of March, while some of its employees have not yet received Sulaymaniyah is over it amid waves of exchanges of accusations and a recurring disastrous argument that funds are not enough, as 60% of oil revenues go to companies’ pockets, and the majority of border crossing revenues do not end with the “power of parties” to the government treasury.
    - Observers say it with a mixture of regret and warning, and politicians acknowledge it. On the ground, there is no longer a unified government in the small region, but two semi-independent administrations that are in conflict financially, security and administratively, and perhaps it has become militarily, as there is no unified army and no single security apparatus.
    A region without a real parliament, its doors are closed, and its deputies cannot even hold formal meetings.. A region without comprehensive institutions, no public financial budgets for eight years, no accurate exchange figures, no oversight, and no account.
    A region whose problems are exacerbating day after day, and its citizens sleep on news of buzzing reform projects, and wake up to high prices, increased taxes, gasoline surges, gas loss, and water cuts on the one hand, and its floods on the other.
    - The region's "parties of its government" have been exchanging accusations of corruption on their partisan platforms for months, starting from the crisis of "the struggle over the presidency of the republic", which left the Kurds with no unity of line, position, vision and common interests in Baghdad, passing through the crisis of "holding parliamentary elections" The Kurdish and its controversial law and its expired commission, ending with the crisis of talks and meetings to export the region’s gas to Europe, which turned into a battle of “breaking the wills” that cast heavy repercussions on the “conditions of Sulaymaniyah,” the Democratic Party says about it as a crisis of corruption and mismanagement in the union areas, as it describes it. The latter is a full-fledged political project to “starve Sulaymaniyah.”
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