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    The Iranian-Iraqi Joint Chamber of Commerce expects an increase in the volume of imports

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277353
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Iranian-Iraqi Joint Chamber of Commerce expects an increase in the volume of imports Empty The Iranian-Iraqi Joint Chamber of Commerce expects an increase in the volume of imports

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 May 2022, 5:53 am

    [size=45]The Iranian-Iraqi Joint Chamber of Commerce expects an increase in the volume of imports
    21 hours ago[/size]

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    The head of the Iranian-Iraqi Joint Chamber of Commerce, Yahya Al Ishaq, expected, on Saturday, that Iran's import of basic commodities from Iraq would reach 1.5 billion dollars, after this percentage was about 400 million dollars.
    Al Ishaq pointed to the improvement in the trade exchange situation between Iran and Iraq after removing obstacles such as the Corona virus compared to the past, according to the semi-official Iranian agency, “Fars”.
    The agency quoted the Iranian official as saying, "We have reached good agreements in the field of electricity and energy, and agreements have been concluded regarding Iraq's debts, as contractors in Iraqi companies have implemented their obligations in this regard."
    He added, "The value of Iranian exports to Iraq last year was $9 billion, but since the beginning of this year there has been a good improvement in these exports, but we must wait for the customs figures that will spread in the future."
    Al Ishaq also noted the good relations established by the new Iranian ambassador in Iraq with Iraqi officials, expressing his optimism that this would lead to the establishment of better political and economic relations with Iraq.
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