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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Najaf stop complaining about the 300 projects because of the budget and put the displaced increasing

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    Najaf stop complaining about the 300 projects because of the budget and put the displaced increasing Empty Najaf stop complaining about the 300 projects because of the budget and put the displaced increasing

    Post by Rocky Mon 25 Aug 2014, 6:34 am

    Najaf stop complaining about the 300 projects because of the budget and put the displaced increasingly critical in Karbala 

    BAGHDAD / Ghazanfar Laibi 

    Called a council of Najaf and Karbala, the government and parliament to speed up the approval of the federal budget, stressing that the launch delay contributed to increase the proportion of the unemployed and led to the suspension of hundreds of projects.

    While the Karbala Provincial Council, said that the arrival of large numbers of displaced people to maintain the form of an additional burden, stressed that the thresholds have carried the holy providing substantial assistance to the displaced under the government support is weak. Pointing out that the 1,600 students displaced people face the problem of language because they do not speak Arabic. 
    says Bushra Ashour, a member of the Karbala Provincial Council, said that "a failure to approve the budget impact heavily on all conservation projects, both those ongoing or project plan in 2014 which did not approve of it," indicating that "More than 300 billion dinars allocated for the ongoing projects is not approved." 
    added Ashour in an interview for the "long" that "the money allocated in the federal budget is basically not compatible with the development plan, the province does not meet their need," and stresses that "large numbers of IDPs formed an additional burden on Karbala. " 
    and warned board member of the province of Karbala "legal consequences can be borne by the province as a result of delayed projects and some of them stopped and non-payment of the amounts allocated to them." And predicted "stop major projects once such projects stations manufacturing and road projects as the road Holi and roundabouts near the holy shrines." 
    and confirmed that "the government effort provided for the displaced is very weak and does not meet the ambitious, but that the province relies on thresholds holy in providing aid to displaced people, as well as international organizations and government and quasi-governmental and civil society organizations that operate in the province. " 
    and on the repercussions of the displacement of thousands of families from Mosul to Karbala, says Bushra Ashour said "conservative accustomed to receiving displaced since the eighties and is able to accommodate them at the present time, but it would need government effort large" . 
    adds that "the province of Karbala is serious in establishing large camp for sheltering refugees and are available in this camp all necessities of life," and noted that "some of the displaced people are now living in humane conditions is difficult because of the lack of adequate housing, and there are many families are piled in small places" . 
    and crises facing accommodate the displaced, says Ashour "educational institutions in Karbala will face the problem of the existence of 1,600 students are not proficient in the Arabic language properly being of Turkmen who have not studied previously in the Arabic language." 
    and pointed to "the formation of a committee in collaboration with the Directorate of Education in order to create conditions appropriate for students, it is possible to take advantage of the teaching staff displaced. "
    turn confirms the Najaf provincial council that "the failure to approve the budget impact significantly on most of the joints to work in the province and specifically investment projects." 
    says Farouk al-Ghazali, a member of the legal committee in the province of Najaf, said that " No big problems in the operating budget because of the legal mechanism that allows for the exchange twelfth running the province. " 
    But Ghazali however, saying that "300 project was approved in 2013, is supposed to start work early in 2014, is still parked despite the passage of more than 8 months at the beginning of the year, "and asserts that" these projects are in contact Tam lives of citizens and the situation the service year in the province. " 
    and the implications of the other to delay adoption of the budget, says a member of the provincial council in Najaf, said that "the growing numbers of unemployed and led to the economic downturn is reflected more directly on the lives of citizens. " 
    He goes Ghazali, saying that "the problem of not approving the budget is the general crisis is not limited to the province of Najaf only, because the aggrieved big is the Iraqi citizen, and the impact that the delay affects both directly and indirectly to all citizens." 
    and called a member of the provincial council in Najaf Iraqi Council of Representatives and the Iraqi government to "speed up the ratification of the federal budget and release funds that benefit the general public."

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