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    Planning calls on Parliament to expedite the enactment of a law addressing the housing crisis

    Admin Assist
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    Planning calls on Parliament to expedite the enactment of a law addressing the housing crisis Empty Planning calls on Parliament to expedite the enactment of a law addressing the housing crisis

    Post by Rocky Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:09 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Planning calls on Parliament to expedite the enactment of a law addressing the housing crisis[/size]

    [size=45]Baghdad/Bright news[/size]
    [size=45]The Ministry of Planning expressed its hope that the House of Representatives will speed up legislation to address the housing crisis after it completed the first reading of the project yesterday, stressing its intention to conduct a new survey of the slum file and update its previous data that showed the presence of more than 4,000 slums throughout Iraq.[/size]
    [size=45]An official statement of the House of Representatives, received by (Al-Mada), stated that “the House has completed the first reading of the bill to address residential abuses submitted by the services, construction, legal and financial committees to address residential abuses on state-owned lands or municipalities within the limits of basic designs before the date of this law’s entry into force.”[/size]
    [size=45]The statement added, "The project also aims to correct the legal status of the transgressors by renting the lands they transgressed by creating residential houses and for the purpose of preventing abuses on real estate belonging to the state and municipalities within the limits of the basic designs of cities and removing the abuses that they obtained and establishing a fund to finance projects for the development of random labor clusters covered by development." .[/size]
    [size=45]The spokesman for the Ministry of Planning, Abdul-Zahra Al-Hindawi, said in a statement to (Al-Mada), that "the indicators available to us, which date back to previous years, indicate that Iraq has 4,000 slums."[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Hindawi added, "A quarter of the total number is in Baghdad, which leads the rest of the provinces with more than a thousand slums, then Basra is followed by 700 slums."[/size]
    [size=45]He pointed out that "the least Iraqi cities with the number of slums are Karbala governorate with 98 slums and Najaf governorate with 99 slums."[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Hindawi stressed that "those who live in these slums number 3,400,000 people, distributed over 522 thousand housing units."[/size]
    [size=45]He continues, "The ministry has the intention of conducting a new survey after the House of Representatives votes on the bill addressing slums, the first reading of which was completed yesterday." Al-Hindawi explained, "This law was submitted by the Council of Ministers to Parliament in the previous two sessions, and it reached the voting stage, but it was not approved." And he spoke about “reconsidering some of the project’s paragraphs in line with the new conditions in the country so that the final text is responsive to current developments and implemented properly in a manner that achieves the purpose for which it was set.” Al-Hindawi expressed his hope that “the full procedures for enacting the law will proceed by the House of Representatives, with the first and second readings, and then vote on it so that it can take its way to implementation as soon as possible.”[/size]
    [size=45]He believed, "The law is of great importance in addressing the problem of random housing in Iraq, as it provides integrated solutions to this problem and the legislative and legal cover for all measures taken by the relevant authorities."[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Hindawi stressed that "slums are one of the important problems facing Iraqi society, and we are trying to find solutions to it within the legal frameworks." He explained, "Iraq has a road map to address the slum crisis in cooperation between the ministries of planning and housing, in addition to the United Nations Human Settlements Program."[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Hindawi went on to say, "The map includes complete details of the solutions and treatment paths for the slum crisis, but all these procedures are suspended pending the adoption of the law." For his part, former member of the High Commission for Human Rights, Fadel Al-Gharawi, stated that “the residential abuses and the abuses of urban planning and agricultural lands are an aspect of the uncivilized manifestations that the country has witnessed.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Gharawi added, in an interview with Al-Mada, that "these manifestations came in conjunction with a stifling housing crisis that forced many citizens to go to the excess or divide agricultural land into housing plots and sell them at great prices."[/size]
    [size=45]He pointed out that "the state is represented by its relevant institutions, and in order not to repeat this crisis and aggravate it, it must work seriously to enhance the investment environment, especially in the housing sector, the distribution of land plots, and the establishment of modern cities and complexes for people with limited income."[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Gharawi indicated that "these projects will contribute seriously to addressing housing abuses in the near future," calling for "putting the housing file within the priority of the ministerial curriculum for the next government."[/size]
    [size=45]He stressed, "Access to adequate housing is a human right and was also mentioned in the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005," stressing that "these constitutional texts impose on the state to provide each family with housing instead of these abuses that we are witnessing today, especially in the capital, Baghdad. “.[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Gharawi said, "The current violations are no longer commensurate with the urban structure and the basic aspect that the citizen needs, instead of violating the law." It agrees with “any legislative and executive efforts that would address the slum housing crisis and provide the appropriate environment for the citizen to have the right home.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Gharawi concluded, "The numbers of abuses that are officially talked about have become large, and perhaps they are at a higher level than what is officially circulated because the statistics go back to previous years."[/size]
    [size=45]It is noteworthy that Iraq has witnessed during the last two decades a significant increase in the number of slums, which are a suitable environment for committing crimes and acts that violate the law, amid a clear absence of official oversight.[/size]
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