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    Parliament reveals a pension for two million workers in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliament reveals a pension for two million workers in Iraq Empty Parliament reveals a pension for two million workers in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 25 Dec 2022, 5:17 am

    [rtl]Parliament reveals a pension for two million workers in Iraq[/rtl]

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    [rtl]Baghdad - Iraq today:

    The Labor and Social Affairs Committee and civil society organizations confirmed that social security retirement will provide a salary for more than two million workers during the first two years.

    Committee member Hussein Arab said in a press interview, "Social security is one of the most important laws that have a major role in finding retirement for more than two million Iraqi employers." 

    He added that "the law will provide a salary for more than 4 million citizens after the first two years," noting that "there are efforts within the House of Representatives to pass the law during the first sessions of the House of Representatives."

    He pointed out that "the Parliamentary Labor Committee, in coordination with the Ministry of Labor, will allow the registration by law and the payment of contributions to the fund to be determined according to a mechanism according to the nature of the work." 

    Earlier, the Parliamentary Work Committee revealed a plan to include 4 million insured workers under the Social Security Law.[/rtl]

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      Current date/time is Thu 16 Jan 2025, 9:08 am