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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    An economist reveals that the costs of exporting oil from Kurdistan are 6 times higher than the oil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    An economist reveals that the costs of exporting oil from Kurdistan are 6 times higher than the oil  Empty An economist reveals that the costs of exporting oil from Kurdistan are 6 times higher than the oil

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Apr 2023, 5:18 am

    [rtl]An economist reveals that the costs of exporting oil from Kurdistan are 6 times higher than the oil from the south[/rtl]

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    [rtl]Baghdad-Iraq today:[/rtl]
    [rtl]Nabil Al-Marsoumi, professor of economics at the University of Basra, detailed the cost of transporting crude oil from the Kurdistan region in the 2023 budget.

    Al-Marsoumi said in a statement, “The cost of transporting crude oil exported from Kurdistan in the 2023 budget = 1.428 trillion dinars, and that the export rate from Kurdistan = 400 thousand.” barrels per day.”

    He added, "The average cost of transporting a barrel of oil exported from Kurdistan = 9,781 dinars, or 7.52 dollars, and this number is about 6 times greater than the cost of transporting Iraqi oil exported south by sea."

    He continued, "The (KAR) company owns (40%) of the pipeline that transports oil to the Fishkhabour region near the border with Turkey, while (60%) of the ownership of the pipeline belongs to the Russian company (Rosneft), And according to the report of the American company (Deloitte), the fees for transporting a barrel of oil through the pipeline amounted to (4.4) dollars during the period (1/1/2019 until 30/6/2021), and it increased In the second half of 2021, to (6.1) dollars per barrel, and therefore the number included in the 2023 budget is to cover the fees for transporting Kurdistan oil are exaggerated and represent an unjustified waste of public money.[/rtl]

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      Current date/time is Mon 09 Sep 2024, 6:48 pm