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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    To exploit it electorally.. Barzani's party seeks to control areas in Nineveh

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272655
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    To exploit it electorally.. Barzani's party seeks to control areas in Nineveh Empty To exploit it electorally.. Barzani's party seeks to control areas in Nineveh

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 May 2023, 5:19 am

    [size=52]To exploit it electorally.. Barzani's party seeks to control areas in Nineveh[/size]
    • Today 09:47


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    Information / Baghdad...
    The former deputy from Nineveh Governorate, Muhammad al-Shabki, confirmed that the Democratic Party continues to pressure the prime minister in order to obtain some gains and impose control over areas in Nineveh.
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    Al-Shabki told Al-Maalouma, "The Democrat is seeking to return strongly to some areas in Nineveh in order to obtain electoral seats, especially with the upcoming provincial elections, after his papers were scattered."
    He added, "The Democratic Party is trying to put pressure on Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani in order to pass what he wants, at a time when the prime minister is working on implementing the ministerial curriculum and what was agreed upon between the political parties."
    And he indicated that "there is a number of legislation awaiting the prime minister for implementation at a time when the Democratic Party seeks to benefit from the new legislation to return to extending its control over some areas of Nineveh, specifically Sinjar and the Nineveh Plain."
    The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, who has a nationalist and separatist tendency, continues to confuse the security situation and create instability in the Yazidi-majority Sinjar district, in order to achieve ambitions that he has dreamed of for many years. End / 25n
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