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    Sweden asks Iraq to protect its diplomatic mission in Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Sweden asks Iraq to protect its diplomatic mission in Baghdad Empty Sweden asks Iraq to protect its diplomatic mission in Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Tue 04 Jul 2023, 4:57 am

    [rtl]Sweden asks Iraq to protect its diplomatic mission in Baghdad[/rtl]

    policy  ,  04/07/2023 11:14  , the number of readings: 105 
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    [rtl]Baghdad-Iraq today:

    Sweden's ambassador to Iraq, Jessica Svardstro, confirmed her country's government's refusal to offend the Holy Quran, while calling for the protection of the building and staff of the embassy in Baghdad from any attack.

    A statement by the Supreme Judicial Council stated, "The head of the council, Faiq Zaidan, met with the ambassadors of the European Union countries in Iraq, in the presence of the head of the European Union mission."

    Zaidan briefed the ambassadors on "a summary of the judiciary's work in the field of combating financial corruption and strengthening the principle of the independence of the judiciary, empowering women and respecting human rights," calling for "encouraging foreign companies to invest in Iraq, especially With the availability of a legal environment that guarantees the rights of investors.

    In the context, the Swedish Ambassador, Jessica Svardstro, confirmed during the meeting, "The Swedish government's rejection of the behavior of the so-called Sloan Momica by insulting the Holy Qur'an, and calling for not holding the Kingdom of Sweden and its embassy in Baghdad responsible for this event, and requested insurance to protect the embassy's building and staff from any attack."

    For his part, the President of the Judicial Council affirmed "the keenness of the government and the Iraqi people on the security and safety of the staff of diplomatic missions, including the mission of the Kingdom of Sweden." Freedom of belief.[/rtl]

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      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 1:34 pm