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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Sudani from Basra: The government has placed reform of the economy among its five priorities

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Al-Sudani from Basra: The government has placed reform of the economy among its five priorities Empty Al-Sudani from Basra: The government has placed reform of the economy among its five priorities

    Post by Rocky Sat 02 Dec 2023, 4:45 am

    Al-Sudani from Basra: The government has placed reform of the economy among its five priorities
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Basra
    Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Saturday (December 2, 2023), that the government has placed among its five priorities reforming the country’s economy.
    Al-Sudani said in his speech during the Industrial Partnerships Forum in Basra Governorate, followed by “Baghdad Today”: “We welcome investment companies to the Industrial Partnerships Forum,” indicating that “the government has placed among its five priorities reforming the economy.”
    He added, "The economy cannot be reformed except by supporting industry, agriculture, tourism, and trade," pointing out that "the natural resources we have enable us to establish an advanced Iraqi industry that meets our local needs and from which we can export."
    Al-Sudani pointed out that "we cannot remain spectators while Iraq remains a consumer market."
    In a separate matter, the Prime Minister explained that “the state cannot employ all the huge numbers of graduates,” stressing that “it is time for the Iraqi economy to be linked to the global economic cycle.”
    Earlier today, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani arrived in Basra Governorate.
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      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 12:31 pm