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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Frustration prevails on the scene. Calls to monitor prices in the markets fall on deaf ears

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Frustration prevails on the scene. Calls to monitor prices in the markets fall on deaf ears Empty Frustration prevails on the scene. Calls to monitor prices in the markets fall on deaf ears

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Mar 2024, 4:26 am

    Frustration prevails on the scene. Calls to monitor prices in the markets fall on deaf ears

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    Baghdad today - Diyala
    With the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, calls for imposing measures to control and monitor the prices of basic foodstuffs in the markets, which merchants raise to reap more profits without paying attention to its effects on large segments of the poor, the simple, and those with limited income, are increasing, despite the frustration of many with these calls, which have found no effect. Listening ears" in past seasons.
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    Political cover 
    Fouad Al-Tamimi, “retired,” said in an interview with “Baghdad Al-Youm,” that “the state is weak and this is a bitter fact that no one disputes, and the evidence is many, but it is a reality imposed by the quota policy that destroyed the country and tore apart its institutions,” pointing out that “most merchants enjoy some kind of political cover.” Or another, and therefore they are almost immune from any accountability.”
    He added, "As the month of Ramadan approaches, prices rise under the pretext of supply and demand, even though what is pumped into the markets is essentially stock for at least three months. However, greed drives some to raise prices to reap more profits without any fear of government accountability because some of them are above the law."
    deep country
    As for Haseeb Ali Taher, a “teacher,” he indicated that “he is frustrated with any call made to monitor market prices in Ramadan because it is an illusion and the merchants are the ones who win in every fight at the expense of the citizens’ pockets,” pointing out that “it is not reasonable that this is not controlled.” in prices and deterring the greed of some merchants during the holy month of Ramadan.”
    He added: "We believe that most merchants are essentially arms of the parties that constitute the deep state in Iraq, and they are the ones who finance it, and here I mean the major merchants in the country," pointing out that "the state has many tools to control the market, but it is weak and this is the truth."
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    Speculation and monopoly 
    As for Member of Parliament Mudar Al-Karawi, he pointed out “the necessity of implementing a comprehensive strategy to control prices, not only in the Holy Ramadan, but throughout the year, and seeking to formulate objective solutions that contribute to curbing the rise in prices as much as possible and preventing speculation and monopolization of materials.”
    He added, "The state has many tools to control prices, and through its companies it is possible to import various materials and sell them to people at prices that cover costs, in addition to restoring central markets, cooperatives, and other outlets through which food supplies can be delivered at appropriate prices to citizens."
    The Islamic world is preparing to welcome the holy month of Ramadan, at a time when Iraq is witnessing a significant rise in the prices of food and meat, burdening citizens with additional amounts.
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      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 5:30 pm