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    Iraq boasts of 13 specific strikes and complains of the laziness of neighboring countries in combati

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq boasts of 13 specific strikes and complains of the laziness of neighboring countries in combati Empty Iraq boasts of 13 specific strikes and complains of the laziness of neighboring countries in combati

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Mar 2024, 4:47 am

    Iraq boasts of 13 specific strikes and complains of the laziness of neighboring countries in combating the "scourge of death"
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, MP Waad Al-Qaddo, confirmed today, Friday (March 22, 2024), that there is no cooperation with neighboring countries in the drug control file.
    Al-Qaddu said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "No one disagrees that drugs are more harmful to Iraqis than ISIS, especially since their danger affects all segments, especially young people, and leads to dangerous repercussions that strike the social structure and push the crime compass higher."
    Al-Qaddu added, “We have not seen the cooperation of neighboring countries with Baghdad in combating this dangerous scourge,” pointing out that “the efforts of the Ministry of Interior and other security agencies, along with a government strategy, were behind 13 specific strikes during the year 2024 that contributed to dismantling the most dangerous networks in the country.” “It led to the seizure of large quantities that were sufficient to push thousands of young people into the swamp of addiction.”
    He pointed out that "the security services now have a large information base on how drugs enter, methods of transporting them between governorates, and promotion mechanisms, and this explains their recent qualitative strikes," stressing that "the focus on the drug file has given great impetus in directing qualitative strikes against their networks recently."
    On Wednesday (March 20, 2024), Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani called for the formation of a global coalition to fight drugs.
    Al-Sudani said during a speech he delivered at the “Third Democracy Summit,” which was held virtually via the Internet, according to a statement from his media office, received by “Baghdad Today,” that “the scourge of drugs and psychotropic substances has killed millions of young people around the world,” calling for “the formation of a global coalition to fight... These are the toxins and pests that are killing societies, especially the young groups.”
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      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 8:58 am