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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    At the forefront of which is Iraq. Iran says it exports electricity to three neighboring countries

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    At the forefront of which is Iraq. Iran says it exports electricity to three neighboring countries Empty At the forefront of which is Iraq. Iran says it exports electricity to three neighboring countries

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 Apr 2024, 5:12 am

    At the forefront of which is Iraq. Iran says it exports electricity to three neighboring countries

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    2024-04-09 04:52

    Shafaq News/ The Vice President of Transport and Foreign Trade Affairs at the Iranian Electricity Production, Transmission and Distribution Company, Mohammad Allah Dad, stated on Tuesday that his country exports electricity to three neighboring countries, led by Iraq.
    Muhammad Allah Dad said, “Iran, with its installed capacity of about 93 thousand megawatts, is one of the largest electricity producing countries in the region, and currently it has an energy exchange with all countries that have land borders.”
    “Iran currently imports electricity from three countries in the north, namely the Republic of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Turkmenistan,” he explained, adding that “it is exported to the three countries: Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.”
    Allah Dad also referred to the bilateral exchange with Türkiye; This means imports and exports are done together.
    The Deputy President of Transport and Foreign Trade Affairs of the Electricity Company said that studies are underway to enable the electrical connection to Qatar, and said: “The total electrical exchange between Iran and its neighbors exceeds three thousand megawatts.”
    He noted that the state's main policy in exchanging electricity with its neighbors is mostly based on the zero-balance axis, adding: “With this policy, electricity is exported to the targeted countries in the days, months and seasons when there is surplus production, and this often occurs in the hot season of the year.” “It is imported from countries that have an energy surplus.”
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      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 9:26 pm