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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament hints at a “revolution” in implementing laws in the new legislative term

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliament hints at a “revolution” in implementing laws in the new legislative term Empty Parliament hints at a “revolution” in implementing laws in the new legislative term

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Jun 2024, 4:30 am

    Parliament hints at a “revolution” in implementing laws in the new legislative term
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Representative from the Al-Fatah Alliance, Salem Al-Anbaki, confirmed today, Saturday (June 15, 2024), that the new legislative term of the House of Representatives will witness a revolution to legislate laws.
    Al-Anbaki told "Baghdad Today" that "there is a parliamentary consensus to focus the new legislative term on legislating important laws that are blocked for political, technical or legal reasons, and we will witness a revolution to legislate a large number of laws."
    He stated that "the Presidency of the House of Representatives directed all parliamentary committees to inventory the laws they have so that they can be included on the agendas of the upcoming legislative sessions and with the aim of voting on them, especially since there are approximately (140) laws that require a vote in the House of Representatives, some of which have been stalled since previous parliamentary sessions."
    Political forces are working to disrupt important laws due to the great controversy that these laws represent as a result of their being fateful reports, most notably the “Oil and Gas” law and the “Federal Court.”
    The first legislative term of the second legislative year ended on June 10, after the term was extended from May 10 last year.
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      Current date/time is Tue 18 Jun 2024, 8:32 am