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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Ministers' statements evaporate in the electricity sky... bright promises that do not touch reality,

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Ministers' statements evaporate in the electricity sky... bright promises that do not touch reality, Empty Ministers' statements evaporate in the electricity sky... bright promises that do not touch reality,

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Jun 2024, 7:15 am

    [size=38]Ministers' statements evaporate in the electricity sky... bright promises that do not touch reality, and corruption that dispels dreams of improvement[/size]

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    June 23, 2024[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The governorates of Iraq witnessed widespread protests as a result of the decline in electrical power supplies in light of the extremely high temperatures.
    Although Iraq has spent more than $75 billion over the last two decades on electrical energy, production rates have not reached a level that covers the country's needs.
    The electricity crisis seems insoluble due to mismanagement, corruption, and aging transmission lines, which leads to a decline in power supply by about 10 to 12 hours a day.
    In an attempt to absorb popular resentment, the Ministry of Electricity dismissed more than 10 officials. Social media sites are witnessing harsh criticism of government authorities as a result of the electricity crisis in light of the extremely hot climate conditions.
    The Meteorology Authority announced that temperatures in 6 governorates in the center and south of the country exceeded the 50 degree Celsius mark, which exacerbates the suffering of citizens and causes them to direct arrows of anger towards the government authorities and hold them responsible for the chronic failure in the energy production file, despite repeated promises for years to address this problem, and despite The huge funds and financial allocations allocated annually to the electricity file.
    Corruption and mismanagement played a major role in exacerbating this crisis. Although Iraq has spent billions of dollars on the electricity sector since 2003, the results were not up to expectations.
    The Ministry of Electricity was replaced by several ministers, each of whom made promises to improve the situation, but rampant corruption and corrupt contracts prevented any tangible progress.
    Mismanagement played a major role in the deterioration of the electricity sector, as improper planning and unfair distribution of resources led to a significant decline in the efficiency of the electrical network. In addition, aging transmission lines and not regularly updating them make the network more vulnerable to frequent faults and outages.
    Corruption in contracts and suspicious deals had a devastating impact on the electricity sector, as huge sums of money were spent on projects that did not see the light of day or were ineffective. This corruption led to the waste of financial resources that could have been used to improve infrastructure and develop new generating plants.
    The crisis worsened with the rise in summer temperatures, which increased citizens' dissatisfaction and prompted them to protest. In an attempt to calm the situation, the Ministry of Electricity dismissed a number of officials, but these steps were not enough to solve the problem from its roots.
    According to Nabil Al-Marsoumi, professor of economics at the University of Basra, the electricity budget in 2024 amounts to $14.443 billion, which is equivalent to the budget of a country like Jordan and more than three times the general budget in Syria.
    Attempts were made to privatize the electricity sector, but they failed as a result of political and popular rejection and resistance to this approach.
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      Current date/time is Fri 28 Jun 2024, 12:33 am