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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    MP: The amount of money recovered from the theft of the century is only 5%

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    MP: The amount of money recovered from the theft of the century is only 5% Empty MP: The amount of money recovered from the theft of the century is only 5%

    Post by Rocky Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:07 am

    [size=38]MP: The amount of money recovered from the theft of the century is only 5%[/size]

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    August 3, 2024[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad/Al-Masala: Today, Thursday, the representative of the Sadiqoun parliamentary bloc, Ali Turki Al-Jamali, revealed new information regarding the theft of the century file, while he indicated that only 5% of the stolen money has been recovered.
    Al-Jamali said in a televised interview, “The theft of the century amounted to 3.5 billion dollars, and it was carried out over 8 months, at a time when this money was supposed to be added to the budget.”
    He explained that "the dispute over shares is what caused the theft of the century to be revealed, not any competent authority," indicating that "this file will not be closed and the real figures of the theft will not be revealed."
    Al-Jamali pointed out that “Nour Zuhair was a front for the theft of the century and he may have disclosed the names of those participating in the theft during the investigation,” indicating that “the theft of the century took place through forged authorizations for Nour Zuhair and other people affiliated with him.”
    He added, "Al-Kadhimi's government was a system for stealing public money," explaining that "the director of the General Tax Authority was appointed by order of Al-Kadhimi and not by the Minister of Finance."
    Al-Jamali confirmed that "big heads were behind planning and executing the theft of the century," indicating that "the mastermind behind the theft of the century is Haitham Al-Jubouri, who was working as an advisor to Al-Kazemi."
    Al-Hamali pointed out that “there is a fear of ruining the political process by revealing the names of those involved in the theft of the century before announcing the results of the investigation.”
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      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:17 pm