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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Talabani block Ebadi: your concern on the national consensus achieved victory over Daash

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Talabani block Ebadi: your concern on the national consensus achieved victory over Daash  Empty Talabani block Ebadi: your concern on the national consensus achieved victory over Daash

    Post by day dreamer Wed 18 Mar 2015, 1:53 pm

    [ltr]Talabani block Ebadi: your concern on the national consensus achieved victory over Daash[/ltr]

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    Abadi, during his visit to the president


    [ltr]Author: af Editor: ss Reporter:
     Number of Views: 271

    18/03/2015 14:07[/ltr]

    Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: sent Patriotic Union of Kurdistan block, the actress of the National Union, headed by former President Jalal Talabani, a letter to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi praised the care of his government in achieving national consensus and said it was the reason for the victories over Daash.
    The head of the bloc, but Talabani, in a telegram sent by the Ebadi said in a statement to the office, "The victories achieved by our armed forces and the popular crowd and the Peshmerga came thanks to the wisdom of concern for the good of national consensus."
    She Talabani address the prime minister, "We congratulate you and the Iraqi people the great victories of our armed forces and the Peshmerga and the crowd popular and clans on the dark forces, which have crept in emergency circumstances to mess with the destiny of the Iraqi rights and violate the sanctity of holy places and houses of worship and humiliating to women and children, and violate Pfdadh unprecedented human rights values." .
    And showed "we are in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc House recognize that these victories have been achieved thanks to the wisdom of ensuring national consensus embodied government Ttrassounaa."
    She Talabani "firmly believe that the commitment Ptogeratkm in ensuring the safety of civilians and their property and to ensure that the principles of law and ordinances in dealing territorial liberated and avoid passive and malpractice and absorb constructive experience practiced by the forces of the Kurdistan after the liberation of the territory of the dictatorial regime in the March 1991 uprising grip to close the page on the past except from hands are stained with the blood of its citizens. "
    She "May God to reconcile our armed forces and all the support forces in Iraq cleansing of darkness and the consolidation of security and stability on the road to rebuilding Iraq and prosperity."

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