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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq Empty The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq

    Post by Rocky Fri 15 Mar 2013, 7:42 am

    The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq

    Friday, March 15 / March 2013 10:11
    {Baghdad Ambassador: News}

    Foreign spokeswoman confirmed U.S. Noland commitment of the United States in support of Iraq and its ability to be "a strong democratic state in the region."

    Said Nuland told a news conference today that "the United States and Iraq ahead a lot of sacrifices until they reached the relations between the two countries to what it is today that the United States will not abandon its support unit and the welfare of Iraq in order to become a democratic country strong in the region."

    Nuland confirmed that the two countries share a distinct strategic relationships and that there are economic interests and a common political and security between them.

    And about the relationship between the central government and the Kurdistan region of America spokeswoman said the "Washington in constant contact with political leaders in Baghdad and Erbil and its message is that everyone is committed to the Constitution, which calls for a unified state coexist all components of the Iraqi people with each other."

    Nuland confirmed her country's support for the Moasalehh dialogue between the two parties and said, "We encourage the parties to continue the dialogue about the future of Iraq, particularly in relation to the subject of energy so that all Iraqis benefit from it."

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    The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq Empty Re: The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq

    Post by Neno Fri 15 Mar 2013, 7:43 am

    lol, didn't they just renew it last week and last month... lol!
    News Hound
    News Hound

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    The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq Empty Re: The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq

    Post by Wildman Fri 15 Mar 2013, 7:59 am

    Neno wrote:lol, didn't they just renew it last week and last month... lol!

    And you'll probably see it again>>>Soon.
    They could have at least said "Renew Soon" A new word in my vocabulary>>>> SOON.

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    The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq Empty Re: The United States renewed its commitment to continue to support Iraq

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