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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    After the involvement of a number of government officials corruption files .. U.S. Inspector Bowen:

    Admin Assist
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    After the involvement of a number of government officials corruption files .. U.S. Inspector Bowen:  Empty After the involvement of a number of government officials corruption files .. U.S. Inspector Bowen:

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Mar 2013, 12:38 pm

    After the involvement of a number of government officials corruption files .. U.S. Inspector Bowen: Corruption has become part of the government in Iraq and it has to be change from the roots!!

    Date: Monday 18/03/2013 09:46 am

    Baghdad _ Sarmad بازوكه
    Sources in a lengthy interview with the U.S. Inspector for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen, that corruption is widespread in Iraq widely where it is endemic in the region and has sapped its economic resources.
    Bowen's comments coincided with the detection of some members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for financial corruption files prove the involvement of ministers and senior officials in the state to those files.
    At the same confirmed quarterly report last issued by the Office of the Inspector General for the reconstruction of Iraq, said "the country passed through three stages of corruption, first corruption controlled by the former regime As is detailed in the presentation of the United Nations oil for food program and companies involved with Saddam's regime, which was asking bribes for jobs, and this kind of corruption is controlled because the system was in fact organized and approved it, "adding that" corruption second is the period which passed immediately after the US-led invasion in 2003, which is called corruption is controlled, In 2003 there were in Iraq what is termed as (Wild West) where officials lack present in the Coalition Provisional Authority, and recognizes and asked some contractors bribes to ensure the formal labor At that time, it was Iraq's economy depends on the cash which made ​​it impossible to calculate how much money, and most that there was little oversight officials Americans to rein in chaos in this volatile environment. "
    He said the "third phase consisted of becoming corrupt part of the governance in the country where the drains corruption Iraq's economy, has been found BSA movements twisted by some officials to transfer stolen money out of the country by washing through auctions of foreign currency weekly, which was carried out by Central Bank of Iraq. "
    He continued Bowen said that "money laundering occurs when displayed decades false by the central bank and then called financing and bank does nothing to verify the validity of these contracts, is then transferred these funds outside the country," مردفا that "we were told there (800) million has been undergone a money laundering a week where the disqualification of Governor of the Central Bank in October and the arrest of several senior officials which seems to be the الأجرءات taken in response to Iraqi recognition of the problem. "
    The campaign revealed corrupt files in Iraq with a time of escalating protests and demands for political reforms, through the demonstrations taking place in the provinces of Anbar, Salahuddin and Nineveh

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