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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy for the call: Government Abadi did not get lost support by Imam Ali [p] [audio]

    Admin Assist
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    Deputy for the call: Government Abadi did not get lost support by Imam Ali [p] [audio] Empty Deputy for the call: Government Abadi did not get lost support by Imam Ali [p] [audio]

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Jan 2016, 7:11 am

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    History of edits:: 2016/1/12 13:30 • 188 visits readable
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    deputy for affiliated advocacy bloc in the National Alliance, said the government had wasted Haider al-Abadi did not get the support of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib [p]. "He said.
    Full-Zaidi said told all of Iraq [where] that "the reform process required in the present difficult circumstances that Iraq is going through, and when the Prime Minister announced a reform project expected to adopt welcomed by everyone but what was done by the government was a reformist attempts to Atertqa to the level of reform and possible be called measures austerity. 
    "" It was for the government to promote the project reformist, especially since the religious authority has said it Samet wait and regretted the delay in the implementation of reforms, but the government and the political blocs are still not able to adopt this project h unless they give up the principle of quotas and announce the Prime Minister of the Iraqi people to dissolve this government and ask the masses accept it and stay on the Ministries limited and naming ministers even if from outside the blocs. " 
    he said Zaidi said "this opportunity given to the slaves but not exploited and got his government's support did not get him the Imam Ali [p] but she'll miss this opportunity . 
    "and called on" to declare to dissolve the government and other forming a mini-effective away from quotas partisan existing and turned ministries into estates parties and formed each economic body do the work in the ministry's political bloc and the company that takes the projects secured control and lack of accountability because it pushed the political bloc "on Abadi he said. 
    He added that "the blocks are now considering their interests first and that its ministers like peasants. 
    He said Zaidi" This is a waste of time and laughed at the chins and we build away from these quotas political process either otherwise, remain prosthesis solutions. 
    "The religious authority has criticized last Friday, was delayed application political, administrative and economic reform packages in the area of the fight against corruption, and others, announced by the government since last August. 
    The representative of the reference in Karbala, Mr. Ahmed net, "in the past year and over the past several months, we called in Friday sermons three authorities and all responsible parties to take serious steps in the process of real reform and social justice and the fight against corruption and the prosecution of corrupt senior and spoilers year has passed but nothing has clearly achieved on the ground, and this is a matter of great regret to this increase does not speak for the time being ".anthy 2
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