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    George Soros supporting Bernie Sanders


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    George Soros supporting Bernie Sanders Empty George Soros supporting Bernie Sanders

    Post by Lobo Mon 01 Feb 2016, 5:30 pm

    ‘You Got Egg on My Face’: After Bernie Sanders Supporters Excoriate Billionaires, They Get Hit With an Uncomfortable Truth
    Feb. 1, 2016 12:15pm Chris Enloe

    Following a Bernie Sanders rally at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa, Sunday, those who “feel the Bern” were surprised to find out that the very rally they just attended was supported by billionaires — a group of people that almost all Sanders supporters rail against.

    After the rally, PJ Media’s Roger Simon asked several enthusiastic Sanders supporters about the event, which specifically opposed billionaires in politics.
    “I think that it’s about time someone stood up to the billionaires, and I think that it’s time that they start paying their fair share of taxes so we can get free public college and everything Bernie is standing for,” one supporter said.

    “Big money in politics distorts what legislators do,” another added.

    After establishing that, indeed, Sanders’ supporters are against billionaires and money in politics, Simon asked the interviewees whether or not they supported or were members of the advocacy group, Each said that they were either a member of the group or that they supported the group because it is supporting Sanders’ bid for the White House.

    But much to their surprise, Simon informed the Sanders supporters that is owned by several billionaires, one of which is George Soros, who Simon pointed out has a net worth of at least “five times” that of Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

    “I did not know that,” one supporter said surprisingly.

    “I guess I’m glad that they’re doing a good thing, despite being billionaires,” another supporter said.

    “Well, you got egg on my face,” exclaimed another, laughing off the inconsistency.

    However, despite bashing billionaires prior to learning who funds, the supporters said that they weren’t bothered by the information, merely because the billionaires are supporting Sanders and his platform.

    “This is a gotcha interview, isn’t it?” one of the kids finally asked Simon.

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 8:33 am