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    Economist emphasizes the difficulty of recovering the money smuggled

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Economist emphasizes the difficulty of recovering the money smuggled Empty Economist emphasizes the difficulty of recovering the money smuggled

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Feb 2016, 7:58 am

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    Economist emphasizes the difficulty of recovering the money smuggled



    The head of the Economic Studies Centre at Mustansiriya University, Abdel Rahman Al-Mashhadani, Sunday, the difficulty of retrieving the money smuggled out of the country.


    He said Mashhadani, agency/information/Committee formed to pursue the recovery of funds smuggled outside Iraq could not recover the funds, because the subject is not easy ", stating that" most of the money is to identify people accused of smuggling money out of the country. "


    Mashhadani said that "no one has the audacity to select" we we fingered by corruption of the previous Government, whether its President or Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in that era, but nobody can diagnosis or diagnose the amounts smuggled. "


    The "legal and administrative aspect is unclear, there is cooperation with international institutions on this issue", calling for "the hearing telling to return the stolen funds." end quote/25 s

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