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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi .. either resign or resign

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Abadi .. either resign or resign Empty Abadi .. either resign or resign

    Post by Rocky Sat 27 Feb 2016, 3:58 am

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    Abadi .. either resign or resign

     Salim Sozh 

    Now it seems that the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi resign from either his party or the presidency of the Council of Ministers, and thecall to change the ministerial substantially and the transition from the rule of the quota system to the rule of technocrats andindependents call is in harmony with itself as long as he himself was a result of the sectarian and political understandings successor to the owners. The political blocs agreed to a demand Abadi , the change would have already demonstrated their high sense ofresponsibility. I wish I could do it, despite thecomplete certainty that they will not do. But with this to be honest , they say that these parties have the right to say to that Ebadi was serious , "his coup" on the quota system must start with himself first. To resign from his party first to become his call for a more logical, otherwise he should resign from his post until the entire government resolved and form a new government of technocrats headed by an independent man, since it is not inconceivable that they are out of the government and remain is the one who came with their consent and conditions. 
    This is common sense , frankly. 
    Do not I want to be the most complex subject, I feel like I stand deduced from an invitation - Abadi to change or even justify and defend the point of view outs for his party as much as warn that the "coup" on thepartners , claiming the transition to a government of technocrats is not an appropriate solution to the political and economic for our crisis. This is likely to inflame the dialectic opposition and government power and enter into a new war against the aggrieved them. Will make these parties Nada and opponent of the government and not supportive and supported her. In 
    my opinion, the perfect solution to all the political blocs agree on a solution to the current government and theformation of a technocratic government of Prime independently ministers from outside the current political parties so that it can operate freely Pacific and the transition from the rule of the quota system to the rule ofindependent technocrats, at least in the remaining two years of the life of the current government until thenext elections in 2018. This is happening in every country in the world when governments reach an impasse.But would you accept parties hold such a solution? 
    Certainly not, will not accept this solution will not accept change minister under the rule of al - Abadi, but will not accept any step real reform. Only wants to maintain that paralyzed the government situation in order tokeep all political bloc party of the rope in their hands, Chdh whenever pulling Grimha other end. 
    Abadi himself knows this very well but he just wants to throw a ball change in the court of political parties and the parliament to get rid of the street and the reference pressure and earns it more time in a stall and stay in office.
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