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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Efforts to form a joint committee to investigate the involvement of senior officials in the corrupti

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Efforts to form a joint committee to investigate the involvement of senior officials in the corrupti Empty Efforts to form a joint committee to investigate the involvement of senior officials in the corrupti

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Apr 2016, 3:45 am

    [size=32]Efforts to form a joint committee to investigate the involvement of senior officials in the corruption of oil contracts[/size]

    4:08:34 4.4.2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Baghdadrevealed amember of theParliamentary Integrity Committee Bahaa Jamal al-Din contract committee meeting in thepresence of aninspector of theCommission and the Ministry ofOil and themembers of the Commission onoil and energy parliamentary to form a joint committee withthe task toinvestigate reported in the agency 's report (Fairfax Media) and (Hovingtin Post) on theinvolvement ofsenior Iraqi officials , thestate deals ofcorruption related to oil contracts as well as the subject oflicensing rounds and ascertain the extent oftransparency.Aldin said that the conferees will announce at a press conference on the results of themeeting and thedecisions that have been reached.Jamaludin added that thecommittee seeks to investigate the veracity of the news It refers to thepayment ofsome investment companies bribes to some officials in thestate to enter into contracts with the oil Ministry on thesubject of theprivate pipelines to step up energy as well as the subject oflicenses and contracts its own verification of the transparency ofthese contracts and theproblems contained thereon rounds, while thedetection of torque integrity hosting some senior officials in the theministry and others within theCommission.announced theintegrity Commission tobegin aninvestigation in a case that revealed the involvement ofsenior Iraqi officials in thestate deals ,corruption related to oil contracts. he shall inform theCommission Director Samir Ali Hassoun said in astatement that the Commission has initiated aninvestigation inconnection withwhat is stated in the agency 'sreport (Fairfax Media) on oil contracts. the Prime Minister Haider al -Abadi may face earlier in the day the integrity Commission and the Iraqi judiciary to take legal proceedings regarding thegrave by theinvestigative journalism (Fairfax Media) and (Hovingtin Post) , which revealed the involvement ofsenior Iraqi officials in thestate in corrupt deals and bribes related to oil contracts during the previous governments. it is noteworthy that the Minister of Higher Education and Deputy Prime Minister for energy Hussain al - Shahristani , the former al -Shahristani said on Saturday oil licensing rounds decades as oneof the "cleanest and most transparent contracts" in theworld. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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