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    Cautious calm prevails Tuz .. and the crisis of parliament occupies Abadi prevent fallout

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    Cautious calm prevails Tuz .. and the crisis of parliament occupies Abadi prevent fallout Empty Cautious calm prevails Tuz .. and the crisis of parliament occupies Abadi prevent fallout

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Apr 2016, 4:08 am

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    Cautious calm prevails Tuz .. and the crisis of parliament occupies Abadi prevent fallout

     BAGHDAD / Ahmed al-Yassiri 

    The face of local officials in Salahuddin province, on Tuesday criticized Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi for ignoring the crisis situations in the district of Tuz Khurmatu, lack of response to their demand for calling to send a unified force to manage the city 'ssecurity. 
    There were renewed, on Tuesday night, armed clashes between the peshmerga fighters and crowd thepopular Turkmen town center . And caused clashes cut off main road from Baghdad to the Kurdistan region, and threatened to undermine the truce reached commanders deal. 
    He says Mehdi Taqi, a member of the Council of Salahuddin province (range), in a telephone contact with him on Tuesday, said that " a meeting held today at the council building to discuss the latest developments ,"noting that" the meeting was supposed to take place yesterday (Monday) , but was postponed because of the Baghdad parliament vote on the new ministerial cabin. " The fighting Peshmerga and the "popular crowd Turkmen" common enemy is to organize "Daash", but that the two sides differ on the Elimination of Tuz management late 2014, which led to the outbreak of armed clashes between the two sides. Confirms Taqi, a leader of the crowd of Turkmenistan, the success of the members of the Council of Salahuddin province " tocontrol the situation in Tuz and contain the crisis , which threatened to ignite a sectarian war." 
     At the same time, the leader of the crowd Turkmen criticized the prime minister for not "interested in theevents of Tuz" he pointed out that " the members of the provincial council demanded Abadi send a unified force either from the police or the army, but did not respond to their demand , " stressing that " the entire state is unable to find a solution to the crisis of Tuz." 
    did the two sides committed to the truce announced by the Badr Organization , Hadi al - Amiri , leader through his visit to Kirkuk on Sunday. 
    He says Karim al - Nuri, the leader of the Badr, a spokesman for the popular crowd, " the battles going on up to now in the heart of Tuz , " stressing that " the ongoing war in Tuz not Besalhna not the welfare of theKurds", calling for " the need to Tuz remain under the control of the federal police. " 
    but the governor of Kirkuk , Najm al- Din Karim, confirmed the clashes between the sides in the conflict stopped, announcing the arrest of a number of" agitators. " The detection of a planned visit by the Secretary General of the Badr Organization , Hadi al - Amiri to consolidate the ceasefire, everyone called for "restraint".He called on the governor of Kirkuk, in an interview (long - Presse) to "accounting of the breach of theagreement or seek to rag , " and added the governor of Kirkuk, " The only beneficiary of spend Tuz crisis are the enemies of the country and organize Daash", stressing that "continue to work to find a radical solution to the problem Tuz, and the adoption of Kirkuk experiment in coexistence , "calling at the same time, everyone to" show restraint and calm the situation and maintain security. " 
    the recent clashes have burned dozens of homes, prompting residents to flee to the ends of the judiciary, which led to the division of the city to the Kurdish areas and other Turkoman. In the meantime, MP Niazi architecture Ihsanoglu, Parliament rapporteur, an immediate cease-fire in the district of Tuz, and thedeclaration of a truce is open student. Peshmerga popular and crowd forces called to leave the security responsibility in the judiciary to the internal security forces, until strengthened neutral forces after the approval of both parties. 
    And it tells Mullah Hassan Mohammed, a member of the Council of Salahuddin province (range), breach of the truce by the crowd Turkmen details, saying " at four o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday was breaking the ceasefire by the crowd Turkmen forces , where they launched five missiles at two checkpoints of the Peshmerga forces, and led to the injury of a number of elements, and not content with that , but they bombed Kurdish neighborhoods in the judiciary , including "Republic and Blar and beautiful ", which led to casualties among civilians and the displacement of families out of Tuz Khurmatu." He adds that "at seven o'clock reached a ceasefire between the two sides .oishd eliminate quieter careful." In contrast, the local administrator that " the presence of militants in Tuz led emphasized to create a crisis turned into fights, but there are ongoing attempts to stop the shooting on a permanent basis , " noting that " the Peshmerga forces were standing outside the judiciary but the crowd Turkmen forces abandoned their duty to the original and remained inside the judiciary . " . 
    it confirms Mullah Hassan Mohammed said he "was in contact with the parties to reach a truce instead offighting is supposed to hold a meeting today between the political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan with the Supreme Committee in the popular crowd forces headed by Hadi al - Ameri, but Tam postpone themeeting because of the death of the leadership of the Patriotic Union Kurdistan in a traffic accident ".. 
    and see Mullah Hassan, is the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party, said that" any battle or war with an extension of a political conflict, so Iraq an arena is witnessing political struggles and conflicts ,international and regional conflicts on behalf of the regional countries, and these conflicts were reflected in Tuz Khurmatu. " Kurdish leader denied the existence of any cramps and disputes in Kirkuk or in similar edges in what is happening in Tuz.
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