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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Meet electrodes and Kubis: United Nations presence is necessary to find a common vision to get out o

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Meet electrodes and Kubis: United Nations presence is necessary to find a common vision to get out o Empty Meet electrodes and Kubis: United Nations presence is necessary to find a common vision to get out o

    Post by Rocky Wed 11 May 2016, 6:56 am

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    Meet electrodes and Kubis: United Nations presence is necessary to find a common vision to get out of the current times

    11-05-2016 01:51 PM

    Strong parliamentary bloc, the Iraqi Alliance chairman Dr Ahmed electrodes received in the bloc's headquarters this morning Mr. Jan Kubis Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Iraq.
    The two sides discussed a number of important political issues, especially the recent events that have passed out of the political process marked by the entry of Pearls demonstrators Mbeni the House of Representatives and the reforms that were restricted to cabinet reshuffle
    A statement by the news agency received a copy of 'The two sides stressed the need for there to be attending the capacitor of the United Nations to find common deliberately political Qoi out of the acute crisis in the political process, especially after the recession that hit the legislature due to the entry Pearls demonstrators Mbeni the House of Representatives
    The two sides pointed out that Maatmr by the political process was the result of the accumulated crises that accompanied that process, which is complicated things that these crises are not find effective solutions.

    The two sides have never keenness on the need for healing of the House of Representatives and that there should be consultation of various political forces in order to present at the Council of Representatives and to find effective solutions to the political crisis.
    For his part, Ahmed said electrodes to the previous stage was a very difficult stage, if we believe that there is a leisurely first resolve security and political crisis last and accompanied by the implementation of the demands of the Iraqi people, and this applies to the political process Pearls will reach a dead end.
    He called electrodes play a UN role and presence for the convergence of views between the political forces , especially Maitalq government side and political forces as it should be that there will be continuous meetings for the completion and implementation of the reforms that we promised and that is not the shortcut 
    only categorize cabinet reshuffle
    For his part, UN representative expressed their willingness to play a role in order to find a way to end the political crisis experienced by Iraq.

    - See more at: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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