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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit

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    Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit - Page 2 Empty Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Jan 2013, 7:50 am

    First topic message reminder :

    Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive political crises

    Wrote on: 07/01/2013 14:53:09

    Section: Business and Finance Views: 7

    Revealed the Finance Committee in Parliament to postpone the project to delete reset currency, which it was hoped that performs this year after the completion of all actions related to the project confirmed that the reason for the delay is the successive political crises and the central bank crisis

    The committee member said MP Magda Tamimi told the future today, Sunday, that "the proposed reset rates for Aishd any progress through due to the political situation and passed by the Central Bank"

    She added, "On this basis, has been postponed Multi deletion of zeros was not implemented this year,"

    For his part, called the economic expert Mackie Mohammed Wardam need to activate reset currency project because it is in the service of the national economy by reducing the money supply in the domestic market "

    He added, "deleting three zeros from the currency contributes to the re-structuring of the Iraqi currency, which facilitates transactions in the market and accounts for government departments"

    He added, "All competent authorities support this national project and speed up its implementation during the current year"

    And demanded the prime minister earlier in the central bank to wait to draft deleted three zeros from the local currency, as a major project and needs to be enough time to apply. / End .... Falah Nazarene

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    Quiet Investor
    Quiet Investor

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    Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit - Page 2 Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit

    Post by tobiasblue Mon 07 Jan 2013, 3:58 pm

    Neno, do you think Talabani's illness and the protests going on are going to be a serious problem, or is it possible that the media is sensationalizing both topics and the wheel is still turning?
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    Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit - Page 2 Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Mar 2013, 6:29 pm

    Parliamentary Finance: do not oppose the project to delete zeros from the currency .. And postponed for technical reasons

    March 16, 2013

    The parliamentary Finance Committee renewed no objection on the implementation of the project to delete the zeros from the current currency trading to reduce the numbers and shorten computational transactions, and demanded the application of some of the items and add them to the new law.
    A member of the parliamentary Finance Committee Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri in an exclusive statement (statement): The Finance Committee announced no objection since the beginning put forward the idea of ​​the project is still, but it required the inclusion of some new paragraphs of the draft resolution, which believes the government represented by the Ministry of Finance, and sectors and citizens not the occurrence of any losses and spare the citizens and banks any breaches get through counterfeiting of the new currency, especially that costs would be prohibitive for both the citizen and the bank and not to repeat what happened at the last change after the fall of the former regime and its currency earlier. added Yasiri The Commission has proposed opening for change and trading dual both currencies order to allow citizens to end their financial transactions related with the private and public sectors and to prevent confusion on legal debts among citizens.

    He said the members of the Finance Committee expressed their willingness to respond to claims the central bank enactment of a law debts public which protects the creditor and the debtor in the event of changed currency and issue instructions procedural in this regard. And that the said project is one of the most important projects emerging Iraqi economy as reduces the volume and numbers calculations used in Banking and consumes time and effort, as well as re-Iraqi currency to its normal size as the currency current unfit for citizen not designed to be carried pocket due to the size of rolling them, as the strategic central bank to reduce the size of rolling units cash than 4 billion units to one billion Unit is very good as well as the introduction of major currencies up to 100 thousand dinars viable for large transactions.

    However, but the fears that delayed work on the project is the fear of currency counterfeiting and the consequent problems besetting the national economy at the current stage requires finding protection for the new campaign and intensify the role of economic security and the security forces in general to prosecute counterfeiters and Menthazee opportunities.

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    Last edited by wciappetta on Sun 17 Mar 2013, 6:57 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : My eyes begged for mercy so I enlarged the text
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    Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit - Page 2 Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive polit

    Post by Screwball Sat 16 Mar 2013, 6:56 pm


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