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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Post by Rocky Thu 19 May 2016, 3:51 am

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    Return of 40 displaced families to hand Yathribannounced Salahuddin Provincial Council, on Wednesday, for the return of 40 displaced families to hand Yathrib south of Tikrit (170 km north of Baghdad). The head of theprovincial council , Ahmed Karim in aninterview (long - Presse) that "40 IDP families returned to hand Yathrib south of Tikrit with the help of the security forces , "noting that" the process of entering the hand of Yathrib through the western gate of the hand versus spend Dujail , accompanied by military and police forces and the crowd , which took her to the position. " explained Karim that" the entry process carried out smoothly and are made ​​after check the security form for each family , "pointing out that" the number ofentrants increasing daily since the launch of the program in the past week. " fines against those who throw rubble in non positions announced the Municipality of Baghdad for the embrace to take action , including theimposition of fines against the mechanisms that throw debris outside sites allocated to them. a statement bythe secretariat said that " the municipality torch Department initiated the formation of field teams from their positions in the municipality to follow the private sector mechanisms that are throwing their cargo of diminishing in unallocated so sites and take legal action right because this is part of its oversight role ." he added that "measures include the imposition of financial penalties and approached the General traffic Directorate to develop a reference book on the mechanisms objectionable ", calling on citizens to" with cooperation by reporting wheels that are throwing waste and debris in places and squares and near thehighways. " expectations dust and low temperatures predicted Meteorological Authority the continuation of thecountry is exposed to dust and low temperatures during the next two days. the authority said in a statement that " the country affected by low air seasonal warming along which subsides gradually progress along the air is high from the Mediterranean to the weather in the northern region cloudy partial and sometimes cloudy with a chance of falling showers light sometimes be thunderstorms, while weather in the central and southern regions will be overcast with a chance of falling light rain in the afternoon be thunderstorms sometimes ,"indicating that" the dust will escalate during the day in multiple places them and the occurrence of dust storms in some places. " She body that" degrees temperatures will drop a few degrees except for the eastern sections of the southern region approach the previous day continues. " sixth exception primary from a holiday visit Karbala Provincial Council announced an exception primary VI students from vacation approved by theBoard on the occasion of the popular visit. the head of the provincial council Nassif Jassem Khattabi said in astatement . " local holiday to visit half of Sha'ban, approved by the provincial council on Sunday and Monday do not include the sixth stage of the primary terms of the ministerial exams performed by pupils this stage. "the deputy head of the Karbala Provincial Council Ali al - Maliki, announced Tuesday, of the Council endorsement of a security plan to visit half of Shaaban , the anniversary of the birth of Imam Mahdi , "he said, adding that" the Council voted to make it a local holiday on Sunday and Monday of next week on theoccasion of millions visit. "
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