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    3 years in prison for a bank manager and forcing it to pay 9 billion dinars

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    3 years in prison for a bank manager and forcing it to pay 9 billion dinars Empty 3 years in prison for a bank manager and forcing it to pay 9 billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Jun 2016, 8:20 am

    3 years in prison for a bank manager and forcing it to pay 9 billion dinars

    BAGHDAD - My Day

    revealed the Integrity Commission, on Tuesday, for the issuance of Basra Criminal Court sentenced three years in prison director Alrphian Basra , a bank branch, and compel it to pay Aktrmen nine billion to the state treasury. The authority said in a statement that the crimes of Basra , a court ruled the Jahia serving the imprisonment of convicted B.a.a director of Rafidain Bank Basra / 2 branch solitary heavily for a period of three years, forcing it to pay $ 9,316,356,000 nine billion, three hundred and sixteen million three hundred and fifty - six thousand dinars to the treasury State, based on the provisions of Article 340 of the Iraqi Penal Code. The statement added that the investigations conducted by the investigators of the Commission, led in one of the important issues that the Commission referred to the judiciary, as the number of people affected and the complainants in the decades dozens, and the size of public money wasted, job site that was condemned occupied, to she goes ahead and granted 142 loans in day an official holiday, it is not permissible to open the doors of the bank on this day, as well as other irregularities and violations. She Authority: The details of the case pointed to the feet of the incriminated on committing various legal violations when granting loans to citizens, including the absence of the required documents to borrowers or guarantors, and do not bind wrote the health of the issuance of these archives, as well as the existence of fake loans and fraud led to the loss of bank funds amounting nine billion dinars, more than a quarter of a billion. She explained: Dozens of citizens have applied for the complaint against the incriminated as a director of the bank; and so for their discovery - after the requests they have made ​​to obtain the loans - the failure of the belongings that already they have made ​​within those applications, have been used by other people falsely and without their knowledge in other loans were Asthsalha, which prompted the official authorities to shut down some of the complainants ' salaries or make them feel that based loans to their belongings falsely used; prompting them to file a complaint against the condemned B.a.a director of the bank. The Commission noted that the decision to sentence against convicted included a paragraph forcing it to pay the amount of loans that have not been paid, amounting to Akiemha nine billion dinars, more than a quarter of a billion, and not to her release after their sentences end what amount wasted did not recover to the state treasury.

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