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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq participates in world economic forum

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Iraq participates in world economic forum Empty Iraq participates in world economic forum

    Post by Hkp1 Sun 26 May 2013, 3:45 pm

    Iraq participates in world economic forum

    Iraq trade directory -26/05/2013-6: 22 pm

    the day of the World Economic Forum, which kicked off Friday in Jordan,
    which was entitled "strengthening economic resilience and growth

    Participated in the Conference, head of the
    Supreme Council of the Islamic Al-Hakeem, along with Palestinian
    President Mahmoud Abbas, Secretary-General of the Arabic League, Nabil
    Elaraby, and the Secretary-General of the International Energy Forum
    Aldo Flores-Quiroga.

    The statement was issued by the World
    Economic Forum, said the Forum will discuss three key areas: new
    partnerships for employment and entrepreneurship and infrastructure,
    strengthening economic governance, promoting regional cooperation and

    During the Conference to discuss the role of
    business in society and dimensions to be processed and redefine the
    social contract, partnership for positive community impact, design
    incentive mechanisms.

    Competitive also discussed long-term
    infrastructure, through what should companies and Governments in the
    region to ensure the contribution of infrastructure to enhance
    competitiveness in the long term, focusing on a number of dimensions,
    the innovative funding partnerships regulatory and institutional
    frameworks, efficient technology.

    In addition to discussing
    about brainstorming in the economic world, by concentrating on
    weaknesses, flexibility of economic shocks ranging from natural
    disasters to humanitarian crises, and will be meeting with the
    participation of a number of business leaders, policy makers, youth and
    experts discussed factors also enhance growth and resilience, especially
    that it is expected to slow to 3.1 percent in 2013, and how can
    policies promote economic development opportunities and strengthening
    community resilience in the Middle East and North Africa.

    discussed the theme of "Partnerships for transition economies" through
    How can governments international and regional achieve economic
    transformation and promote national interests, funding the political
    nature of the reform, promotion of investments as well as discuss the
    possibility of governments and investors to create the ecosystem that
    can be entrepreneurs in the region to expand their investments and the
    creation of more job opportunities have also been discussing successful
    solutions to conflict prevention and to find promote emerging markets.

    Forum is an important opportunity to achieve gains historic vital areas
    in the region, especially the areas of unemployment, transparency, and
    the variation in income, in addition to private sector development and

    It coincided these efforts with the economic
    slowdown through which Europe as well as political instability
    geographical through which the Near East region, which stressed the need
    to strengthen regional cooperation and stressed the importance of
    relations with emerging markets.

    Participated in the forum of
    more than 650 people from 58 countries around the world , in addition to
    the participation of 430 people from the Middle and North Africa, and
    more than 450 of the most prominent businessmen in the world, including
    200 people from senior executives and 40 companies of the global
    figures, and more than 40 personal dignitaries, including 25 ministers,
    and more than 100 Lady of the pioneers in مجالهن, and 28 people from
    leading academics, and 25 of the pioneer community, also participated
    more than 250 journalists and media to cover the event.

    that Economic Forum was established in 1971, is an independent
    international organization, non-profit shared by business leaders and
    thought, politics and economics in order to improve the situation in the
    world and issued him a set of reports and indicators in the areas of
    performance measurement and competitiveness.

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      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 5:55 am