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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Return of 60% of the displaced people of Ramadi .. and security form postpones return the people of

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    Return of 60% of the displaced people of Ramadi .. and security form postpones return the people of  Empty Return of 60% of the displaced people of Ramadi .. and security form postpones return the people of

    Post by Rocky Wed 13 Jul 2016, 3:07 am

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    Return of 60% of the displaced people of Ramadi .. and security form postpones return the people of the vine

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Announced Qaimmqamah Ramadi District, on Tuesday, that 60% of displaced families from the judiciary had returned to areas liberated from (Daash), and as pointed to the inability of the governments in Baghdad and Anbar for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad), described all ongoing rehabilitation operations in thecity as " prosthetic solutions . "He said Ramadi District Mayor Abraham bramble, in an interview with (long -Presse), said that" more than 40 thousand displaced families have returned to areas liberated in Ramadi by 250 thousand people . "And the bramble that" 60% of the population of gray from various their areas returned to their homes after a considerable period of displacement due to the control of the organization Daash the city. " 
    He noted local official said" the governments in Baghdad and Anbar does not possess the financial budget for the rehabilitation and reconstruction projects and services that were destroyed by the terrorist organization, especially the infrastructure of bridges and Mjsrat stations purification water and electric power stations and wire carrier . "He bramble" what is implemented rehabilitation projects are prosthesis solutions due to lack ofadequate financial budget for the reconstruction of gray . "He said Colonel Juma panic Jumaili, commander of the brigade vine Fallujah, in an interview with (long - Presse), the "Karma, east of Falluja saw, yesterday, the first families of the conference in the presence of security leaders and members of the board of Anbar, tribal leaders and elders to discuss ways to re - displaced people to their areas liberated in the vine Fallujah and rehabilitation services and projects." 
    He added Jumaili that " the date of re - displaced vine Fallujah has been postponed of the eighth month , the ninth month due to the late arrival of the security of forms that must be filled by locals in the areas ofdisplacement before returning to spend the vine with the delay in the rehabilitation of a number of essential services within the city that were destroyed by al Daash. " 
    in a related context, said the commander of western operations Baghdad , Maj . Gen. Saad battleship, in aninterview with (long - Presse), " the security forces were able to search and combing 70% of the main streets and shops with the treatment and the dismantling of more than ten thousand explosive device and thedismantling of hundreds of houses booby - trapped in the city of Fallujah , " noting that " the security forces continuing to inspect and treat the remaining remnants of the organization (Daash) in Fallujah . " he added warship that "forces looking for booby - trapping plants and industry packages and the destruction of secret underground tunnels used by the terrorist organization in the areas of Fallujah liberated . " he said the military commander that " the next few days will be announced the end of the inspection and to secure Fallujah fully with the delivery of the security dossier to the government of Anbar and police operations in preparation for re - displaced people to their areas , ".ually level of current in Anbar province , security developments, said asource in Anbar operations command, said in an interview to the (long - Presse) , said that "members of al -Daash attacked, yesterday afternoon, medium and heavy weapons gathering of security forces in Znkurh area of 0.16 km north of Ramadi, injuring the commander of the third battalion in Anbar police submitted Jassam al - Dulaimi and killed three members of protect it ." 
    the source , who who asked not to be named, said that " the security force moved the wounded to a nearby hospital to receive the bodies of the dead to the forensic medicine treatment, while carried out a massive operation to hunt down the perpetrators of the attack of the elements of the organization, who managed to escape to an unknown destination."
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