Alsumaria News / Baghdad , 
stressed the Minister of Oil Jabar Luaibi, the Sabbath, not to allow any party to intervene in the transfer or placement of workers in the oil companies, adding that the ministry would stand firm against anything that might influence the work of the ministry. 

Allaibi said in a statement received, Sumerian News, a copy of it, that "all workers in the oil sector enjoy all the rights and duties, but does not allow the ministry to any party to interfere in its work by imposing some contexts hybrids on their work , " noting that " the ministry is the only party entitled to the placement or transfer of the employee or theother between bodies and oil companies and departments across the country, according to the requirements of thepublic interest and working conditions regardless of the fact that this worker or engineer or technical of this or that province. "

He Allaibi, that " the oil of the sovereign ministries which all Iraqis of all components and sects and ethnic groups, hence the ministry is counting on our people in all provinces without distinction or characterize the advancement of the oil industry and investment optimization of the oil wealth and the preservation and development, thus contributing to building a prosperous future for our people . " 

He said the oil minister, on" taking into account the working conditions at the ministry when the recruitment and placement in their provinces or near their areas of residence, and this part of the ministry 's priorities and that it does not prevent the existence of some of them in other provinces, according to the requirements of the working conditions and the need for the national interest . otherwise, the ministry rejects the intervention of some authorities in theprovinces procedures for the transfer of workers in the oil companies out of their provinces under the pretext thatthey are not of the people of this province. " 

He said Allaibi," the ministry confirms rejection of these interventions and it will stand firm against anything that might impact on the work of the ministry. " 

acknowledges Minister oil Jabar Luaibi, Tuesday (August 16, 2016) his duties in the ministry, stressing in his first meeting with ministry officials on the need to work "day and night" to raise oil and gas output.