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    Political Day

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    Political Day Empty Political Day

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Nov 2016, 2:28 am

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    Political Day

    Liberal bloc did not participate have the rules of procedure of the alliance 

    denied the MP for the Liberal bloc parliamentary Mazen Mezni Post bloc have therules of procedure of the National Alliance, while explained that the negotiations between the Sadrists and the coalition Mtoagafh.oukal Mezni said "Liberal bloc involved no rules ofprocedure, approved by the National Alliance recently , "noting that" the Liberals are still theprovince of the meetings of the coalition which operate independently in order to implement real reforms . "He explained the Liberal bloc member , said" thenegotiations stalled with the National Alliance , the current time and we are waiting for the actual implementation of our demands , "he said , adding that" we want the implementation of reforms in senior positions in the Iraqi state , ".ccant of the leadership of the National Alliance has ratified, Saturday, on therules of procedure of the National Alliance, stressing that the unity of the National Alliance is the goal and all its components should seek to achieve. the 

    government amendments to the " amnesty "opposes legislation parliament 

    confirmed by a member of the Committee legal representative Salim Chawki all opposed to the Council ofMinisters amendments to the General Amnesty law with the legislator - in - law passed by the House ofRepresentatives items. 
    said Shawki " the legal Committee and members of parliament deduced from the adoption of amendment Council of Ministers on the amnesty law , " noting that " the amendment eliminates conflicts with some legislators articles of the law by the parliament . "he added member of the legal Committee that" one of the articles that contradict with the law is the rule of kidnapping if he has killed someone or suffering permanent disability or the loss of their own destiny and the abolition of some of the provisions in the purchase ofcondemnation , "pointing out that" can not be new legislation restores prisoners to prison who were released after the adoption of the amnesty law. " 

    Baghdad has not arming the people of Nineveh , like the popular crowd 

    MP for Nineveh province , Ahmed al - Jarba, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi called for speeding up the arming of the people of Nineveh , like the popular crowd to liberate towns and caught the ground. 
    he Jarba "there is a clear failure of the government and the international coalition in arming the people ofNineveh, noting that" the government did not give the weapon could from which the sons of the crowd tribal liberalization of their towns . "he added MP for Nineveh" surprised by ignoring the government and theinternational coalition continuing our demand arming our fighters , "and urged Abadi to" speed up the arming of the crowd clan like the great armament provided by the government of popular crowd in order to enable them to edit their cities and to contribute to the maintenance of the land to ensure that the return ofterrorism again. " 

    sale and lease of state funds law has caused considerable manipulation is 

    considered a member of the integrity Committee high Nassif parliamentary sale and rental of state funds as "floundering and unfairness obscene for the citizens and the state" law, while suggesting that the booking ofproperty for 13 years open area in front of "control and acquisition" . She said Nassif , "there is floundering and clear in the sale and rental properties the state and unfairness obscene Law file whether citizens or the state, "she wondered , " How is there a reservation on this money for 13 years, while the ownership of thestate law says that booking stays only six months, and after either that the State returns King to the landlord or the confiscate "She added committee member integrity that "these properties booked 13 - year - old open area in front of the control and acquisition of a lot of these properties both system utilization or system sales bid." 

    Turkey is sponsoring a conference for "extremist groups" to legitimize its intervention in Mosul 

    accused the MP for the coalition of state law Firdaus al - Awadi , the ruling justice and development Party inTurkey trying to find the legitimacy of meddling in Iraq through the hosting of a conference on Mosul. 
    she said Al - Awadi said "embrace Turkey of the Conference of the so - called appeal of Mosul , in thepresence of godfathers atonement in the world is nothing but an attempt dirty to find a replacement for Daesh in Iraq at some point after the liberation of Mosul." she said a member of the state of law " the justice and development Party ( AKP ) in Turkey gather all the sectarian hatreds in the world , which runs from theunwanted figures do not represent moderate Islam, to try to be exported to Iraq." He said al - Awadi said "Turkey failed to persuade moderate Muslims are fair, and are trying today to find the legitimacy to intervene in the battles of Mosul."

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